Yahoo : Facebook viola 10 brevetti


a cura di Francesco Ursino

Si prospetta una nuova battaglia legale tra giganti del settore tech: Facebook avrebbe violato infatti 10 brevetti di Yahoo; l’accusa, partita dalla casa del famoso motore di ricerca, avrebbe una portata estesa, andando a toccare temi come il placement delle pubblicità sulle pagine web e i controlli sulla privacy.La risposta di Facebook è stata: “Ci difenderemo con vigore da queste accuse sconcertanti”.Questo, nel dettaglio, l’elenco dei brevetti che sarebbero stati violati:U.S. Patent No. 6,907,566 – Method and system for optimum placement of advertisements on a webpage U.S. Patent No. 7,100,111 – Method and system for optimum placement of advertisements on a webpage U.S. Patent No. 7,373,599 – Method and system for optimum placement of advertisements on a webpage U.S. Patent No. 7,668,861 – System and method to determine the validity of an interaction on a network U.S. Patent No. 7,269,590 – Method and system for customizing views of information associated with a social network userU.S. Patent No. 7,599,935 – Control for enabling a user to preview display of selected content based on another user’s authorization level U.S. Patent No.7,454,509 – Online playback system with community biasU.S. Patent No.5,983,227 – Dynamic page generatorU.S. Patent No.7,747,468 – Contents consignment sale system and method for networking broadcastingU.S. Patent No.7,406,501 – System and method for instant messaging using an e-mail protocol

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