In vista dell’uscita di
Xbox One X
nei negozi – prevista per la giornata di domani –
Bethesda ha offerto un sacco di nuovi dettagli circa il supporto che i suoi giochi riceveranno sulla nuova console della Casa di Redmond.Questi riguardano
The Evil Within 2,
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus,
Fallout 4
The Elder Scrolls Online,
Skyrim Special Edition e infine
Dishonored 2 e
Dishonored: Morte dell’esterno.Ecco i dettagli poco sotto (in lingua inglese):Wolfenstein II: The New ColossusSupports 4K ResolutionEnhanced features include:Dynamic ResolutionFallout 4Supports 4K ResolutionEnhanced features include:Dynamic ResolutionEnhanced draw distance for trees, grass, objects and NPCsEnhanced God Ray effectsSkyrim Special EditionSupports 4K ResolutionEnhanced features include:Dynamic ResolutionDishonored 2 & Dishonored: Death of the OutsiderSupports 4K ResolutionEnhanced features include:Dynamic ResolutionImproved framerate stability4K texturesImproved geometry/draw distancesImproved anti-aliasingImproved shadows qualityThe Evil Within 2Enhanced Features include:Upgraded resolutionHigher framerate30 fps lock removalThe Elder Scrolls OnlineSupports Native 4K Resolution and HDREnhanced features include:Increased view distanceUpgraded shadows with Screen Space Ambient OcclusionUpgraded water reflectionsChe ne pensate? Ditecelo nei commenti!