WoW Mists of Pandaria Deluxe Ed.


a cura di Naares

Il contenuto di World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Digital Deluxe Edition è stato svelato poche ore fa. Il titolo sarà acquistabile esclusivamente online tramite i server di, al prezzo di 59,99$. I bonus ottenibili con questa versione non comprenderanno solo World of Warcraft, ma includeranno anche gli altri blockbuster di casa Blizzard. Ecco dal comunicato ufficiale l’estratto con i bonus:World of Warcraft – Imperial Quilen Mount – Take to the skies of Azeroth astride the magically-conjured wings of the Imperial Quilen mount, then fly to your next adventure with the Lucky Quilen Cub at your side.World of Warcraft In-Game Pet: Journey across Pandaria with the Lucky Quilen Cub at your side.Diablo 3 – Banner Sigil and Accent – Display your status as a hero of Pandaria with this exclusive Diablo 3 banner sigil and accent, featuring the iconic markings of World of Warcraft’s newest playable race.StarCraft 2 – Portraits – Bring the thunder of the Horde and Alliance rivalry to the far reaches of the Koprulu Sector with these two exclusive StarCraft 2 portraits – the infested orc and the night elf Templar.

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