Wii U : ecco i titoli del lancio?


a cura di Fr3nch11

Ecco l’elenco completo dei titoli in sviluppo e pronti al lancio della console Wii U che saranno disponibili nel Wii Shop fin da D1 e che, forse, vedranno anche la presenza di World Of Warcraft e Counter Strike secondi gli ultimi rumor:Level 5Professor Layton Chronicles (Level 5)ActivisionTony Hawk Pro Skater HD-Complete (Activision) (Launch)Goldeneye 007: Reloaded (Acitivsion) (Launch)World of Warcraft (Activsion) (Launch)CapcomResident Evil: The Mercenaries Bio Ops (Capcom)Okamiden HD (Capcom) (Launch)Electronic Arts Boom Blox Wii U (EA)NFL Blitz Touchdown (EA)Burnout: Rush Hour (EA) (Launch)Shank 2 (EA) (Launch)Crysis (EA) (Launch)Gaijan GamesBit Trip Runner 2 (Gaijan Games) (Launch)Namco Bandai Tank! Tank! Tank! (Namco Bandai)Meteos (Namco Bandai)Pac-Man Battle Royal (Namco Bandai) (Launch)NexonDragon Nest (Nexon)NintendoBig Brain University (Nintendo) (Launch)Super Mario Strikers Unlimited (Nintendo) (Launch)Fluidity: Toxic (Nintendo) (Launch)SabarasaProtocol (Sabarasa) (Launch)SEGARodea the Sky Soldier (SEGA)Renegade Ops 2 (SEGA)Phantasy Star Online 2 (SEGA) (Launch)Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 (SEGA) (Launch)Spicy HorseBig Head Bash (Spicy Horse) (Launch)Square EnixDemon’s Score (Square Enix/Epic)Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Wii U (Square Enix)Telltale GamesThe Walking Dead (Telltale Games) (Launch)UbisoftUbiArt Presents: SketchtariumRed Steel 2: Locked a Reloaded (Ubisoft)I Am Alive (Ubisoft) (Launch)ValveCounter-Strike: Global Offensive (Valve) (Launch)DotA 2 (Valve)

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