Top 25 PS3 secondo IGN


a cura di Naares

Il network di fama mondiale IGN ha stilato un propria personale classifica identificando i migliori 25 videogames rilasciati per PlayStation 3. Ve la proponiamo invitando a commentare il vostro punto di vista.25: Spec Ops: The Line24: Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time23: Dead Space 222: Valkyria Chronicles21: Infamous20: Saint’s Row: The Third19: Vanquish18: Catherine17: Bioshock16: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune15: God of War III14: Grand Theft Auto IV13: Little Big Planet 212: Batman: Arkham Asylum11: Mass Effect 310: Red Dead Redemption9: Resistance 38: Batman: Arkham City7: Infamous 26: Heavy Rain5: Portal 24: Fallout 33: Mass Effect 22: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves1: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

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