Top 20 WiiWare in Germania


a cura di Sasuke

Eè stata resa nota la classifica delle vendite di titoli WiiWare sul WiiShop. La classifica che proponiamo è relativa ai download registrati in Germania nella settimana che termina oggi 23 Luglio.Ecco a voi la classifica completa:1 (1) – Texas Hold’em Tournament2 (2) – My Aquarium3 (8) – 5 Spots Party4 (-) – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord NEW5 (3) – Water Warfare6 (4) – Swords & Soldiers7 (5) – TV Show King8 (9) – World of Goo9 (6) – My Pokémon Ranch10 (10) – Onslaught11 (12) – Tetris Party12 (7) – NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits13 (11) – Gradius Rebirth14 (13) – Brain Challenge15 (14) – Bomberman Blast16 (20) – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King17 (17) – Final Fantasy IV: The After Years18 (16) – The Incredible Maze19 (-) – LostWinds20 (-) – Fun! Fun! MinigolfOH COME ON! How in the world can 5 Spots Party (biggest climber) get from 8th to number 3rd? While NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits (biggest dropper) falls from 7th to 12th.We welcome Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord which came out last week. We also see the return of LostWinds (which was a launch title for WiiWare) and Fun! Fun! Minigolf (which came out 2 Jan. 2009)With three new titles, we say goodbye to:Bit Boy !! (15 last week) Puzzle Bobble Plus (18 last week)

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