Svelati gli obiettivi di Perfect Dark


a cura di DeViLJaVaN

E’ finalmente stata svelata la lista degli obiettivi sbloccabili del titolo Rare, venti in tutto, in arrivo su XBLA il 17 di marzo al costo di 800 Microsoft Points; di seguito ne riportiamo l’elenco:- How’s That For Starters? (10 points)Complete Datadyne Central – Defection.- Both Barrels (5 points)Kill an enemy when dual-wielding.- Act Your Age, Joanna (5 points)Destroy Carrington’s wine collection.- Double 64 (10 points)Kill 128 enemies using secondary fire mode.- Camera Shy (10 points)Destroy 5 security cameras.- Deadly Laptop (10 points)Kill 50 enemies using the laptop in sentry gun mode.- Paci-Fist (10 points)Complete any Solo Mission on Special Agent or harder using only your fists.- Tools Of The Trade (10 points)Get a Bronze rating or better with all 32 weapons in the Firing Range.- Versatile (10 points)Complete a Combat Simulator game using each of the six Scenarios.- Golden Days (10 points)Complete a Combat Simulator game on Felicity, Complex or Temple using Classic Weapons.- Prime Target (10 points)Complete every Challenge up to and including 29, the 10th Prime number.- A Friend Indeed (10 points)Complete any mission in Co-operative Mode.- …Who Needs Enemies? (10 points)Complete any mission in Counter-Operative Mode.- Datadyne Specialist (10 points)Kill at least one enemy with each of the Datadyne weapons.- Carrington Institute Specialist (10 points)Kill at least one enemy with each of the Carrington Institute weapons.- Maian Specialist (10 points)Kill at least one enemy with each of the Maian weapons.- Agent (10 points)Complete the Solo Missions on Agent.- Special Agent (15 points)Complete the Solo Missions on Special Agent.- Perfect Agent (20 points)Complete the Solo Missions on Perfect Agent.- Crowning Glory (5 points)Earn all the Leaderboard Crowns.

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