Per addolcire l’attesa per la beta di Gears of War 3 è stata rilasciata l’intera lista achievement del gioco completo.Avviso già i lettori che questa lista contiene spoiler per il gioco. Se siete interessati, procedete pure con la lettura!La lista contiene Coop a 4 giocatori, 100 livelli multiplayer, 41 collezionabili, campagna divisa in 5 atti, 10 mappe multiplayer e, 5 modalità di gioco: Horde, Mini-challenges, Beast, Team Deatmatch, Capture the LEader e Arcade Mode. * Marcus, It’s Your Father (5G) You woke up from a bad dream. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade). * Swimmin’ in Glowie Gravy (10 G) Defended the Ravens Nest from Lambent Leviathan. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade) * We Struck Gold! (10 G) Found food and ammo in Hanover. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Welcome to Cougar Town (10 G) Defended and escaped from Cougar Stadium. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade * Big ** Headshot (10 G) Blew up the Lambent Laviathan from the bridge. Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Where is that? (10 G) Discover the location of Adam Felix. Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Well We Did Flood Them Out (10 G) Grabbed a Locust Gas Barge to travel to Anvil Gate. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Thanks For Flying GasBag Airway (10 G) Arrived safely, kinda. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 4. (Cinematic or Arcade) * The ** is Back (10 G) Defeated the Lambent Berserker. Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 6. (Cinematic or Arcade) * Good Driver Discount (10 G) Drove from Anvil Gate to Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Brothers to the End (10 G) Escaped Mercy. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 3 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Welcome to Griffin Tower (10 G) Found enough fuel to get to Endeavor naval base. Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Baird’s Favorite Kind of Top (10 G) Launched the sub. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 1 (Cinematic or Arcade) * That Looks Like the Front Door (10 G) Passed under the Maelstrom and found Azura. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 2 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Look at That, Instant Summer (10 G) Turned off the Maelstrom device. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 4 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Ok. Faith. Yeah. Got It. (10 G) Rescued Adam Fenix from captivity. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (Cinematic or Arcade) * We’ve Finally Got a Tomorrow (10 G) Saved Sera and killed Myrrah. Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (Cinematic or Arcade) * Ready For More (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Casual or Normal Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade) * Ain’t My First Rodeo (50 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Hardcore Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade) * Once More Unto the Breach (75 G) Completed all campaign Acts on Insane Difficulty (Cinematic or Arcade) * Collector (5 G) Recovered 5 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade] * Pack Rat (10 G) Recovered 20 of 41 Collectables. [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade] * Hoarder (15 G) Recovered all 41 Collectables [any difficulty, cinematic or arcade] * Remembered the Fallen (15 G) Recovered all 15 COG Tags during the Campaign (any difficulty, cinematic, or arcade) * My Fellow Gears (50 G) Completed all chapters in Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade) * A Different Kind of Foursome (75 G) Completed all Acts in 4 Player Co-op on any difficulty (cinematic or arcade) * It’s Called Progress (10 G) Complete a chapter in Arcade campaign with an improved high score. * Level 5 (5 G) Reached Level 5 * Level 10 (10 G) Reached Level 10 * Level 15 (15 G) Reached Level 15 * Level 25 (25 G) Reached Level 25 * Calling Your Shots (25 G) Completed 10 mini-challenges in Horde (any difficulty) * First Among Equals (25 G) Was the highest scoring squadmate in 5 chapters of 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty) * Don’t You Die on Me! (25 G) Reached a x20 team score multiplier in 4-Player Co-op Arcade (any difficulty) * Award Winning Tactics (25 G) Collected an Onyx Medal * Seriously 3.0 (100 G) You’ve done it all! Level 100, campaign on insane, earn every ribbon/medal, complete Horde/Beast on all 10 maps. * Back to Basic (5 G) Won a match against bots in the Training Grounds. * Welcome to Versus (10 G) Killed 10 enemies in Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social) * Welcome to King of the Hill (10 G) Completed a match of King of the Hill (Ranked or Social) * Welcome to Team Death Match (10 G) Completed a match of Team Deathmatch (Ranked or Social) * Welcome to Capture the Leader (10 G) Completed a match of Capture the Leader (Ranked or Social) * Welcome to Execution (10 G) Completed a match of Execution (Ranked or Social) * Welcome to Wingman (10 G) Completed a match of Wingman (Ranked or Social) * Welcome to Warzone (10 G) Completed a match of Warzone (Ranked or Social) * Welcome to Horde Mode (10 G) Survived the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map) * Welcome to Beast Mode (10 G) Completed the first 12 waves of Beast (any difficulty any map) * Welcome to Arcade Mode (10 G) Completed 5 Arcade Campaign chapters in Co-Op (any difficulty) * Rust Lung (50 G) Executed an infected player and is now turning Lambent. (or : Execute an Epic Employee or someone who already has this)