Super Time Force: In rete spunta la lista degli achievements


a cura di AnimaDiLupo

Il prossimo 14 maggio gli utenti Xbox 360 e Xbox One potranno mettere le mani sull’originale titolo indie disegnato in pixel art Super Time Force. Un side scroller shooter sulla falsa riga di Contra sviluppato da Capybara Games.A quanto pare leggendo la lista degli achievements il titolo si pone come una vera e propria sfida di abilità. Ecco la lista completa:OMG You Sharded! – 75Shatter or collect all shards in the gameAll of the Glorbs – 75Collect all glorbs in the gameInfinity – 60Defeat Dr. InfinitySomething Smells Rank – 50Achieve your first STF rank on any levelThe Runs – 50Complete a… clean… run of any level using only Squirty HarryGotta Save Them All! – 50Complete any level without leaving any saveable team members behindSpeed Freak – 40Complete any level with 30 seconds remaining on the clockYear 199X Completed! – 40Complete the Post-Apocalypse time zoneYear 3072 Completed! – 40Complete the Future City time zone198X Completed! – 40Complete the 198X time zone1,000,000 BC Completed! – 40Complete the Prehistoric time zoneYear 673 Completed! – 40Complete the Medieval time zone9600 BC Completed! – 35Complete the Ancient Atlantis time zoneThey Are Looking – 30This ones totally a secret but you’ll know it when you see it so hustle and look sharpTeam Player – 30Prevent the death of 50 members of the Super Time ForceWhole Lotta Lead – 30Fire 5000 rounds with Jean Rambois’ machine gunDefence is the New Offence – 20Beat any level using only Shieldy BlockersonBaby’s First Glorb – 20Get your first Glorb BadgeTalent Scout – 20Add a new team member to the Super Time ForceAsplosion – 20Use Jef’s highly explosive rocket launcher to explode 15 enemies on a single levelI Challenge You to a Duel – 20Complete a Medieval level using only Lou Don Jim3 Birds 1 Stone – 20Kill 3 enemies with a single Charged shot from Aimy McKillinRange of Fire – 20Fire 7 different charged attacks in a single levelImpartiality – 20Complete any level using at least 6 different members of the Super Time ForceHead Banger – 20Kill any enemy by bouncing on it’s head, plumber-styleThat Was Quick – 20Die within 3 seconds of spawningNumber One Shard – 20Get your first Shard badge

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