Street Fighter x Tekken : PG e Patch


a cura di rspecial1

Sono disponibili per Playstation 3 e Xbox 360 i 12 personaggi che Capcom aveva bloccato nel disco di gioco più la patch 1.06 per Street Fighter x Tekken. Vi ricordiamo che per sbloccare i nuovi lottatori (Elena, Dudley, Blanka, Sakura, Cody, Guy, Alisa, Lars, Bryan, Jack, Lei e Christie) sarà necessario acquistarli al prezzo di 1600MP/ 20 Euro. Per l’occasione vi presentiamo un video relativo a Sakura e la lista dei cambiamenti apportati dalla patch.Ryu• Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku: Hit box reduced, movement amount reduced, frame advantage on block reduced by 5F.• H. Jōdan Sokutō Geri: Speed reduced, and changed to -6F on block.Ken• Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku: Hit box reduced, movement amount reduced, frame advantage on block reduced by 5F.Rolento• LP: Recovery frames changed from 8->10F. Opponent block stun reduced from 10->6F. Push back distance when guarded increased.• c.LP: Hurt box size increased.Juri• Kaisen Dankairaku: Damage reduced from 350->300.Akuma• Tatsumaki Zankukyaku: Hit box reduced, movement amount reduced, frame advantage on block reduced by 5F.Yoshimitsu• Move listed properly:j.forward f+LK → MKRaven• LP: Opponent block stun reduced from 10->8F. Push back distance when guarded increased.• Number of possible cr.HP Wind Cross dash cancel loops has been reduced from 5 to 3.Xiaoyu• Number of possible cr.HK Phoenix loops has been reduced from 6 to 3.• Follow up attack after Overhead->Hakkesho is now possible.

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