Splatoon 2: Disponibile l'aggiornamento 4.7.0

Nintendo continua a migliorare il suo Splatoon 2

Immagine di Splatoon 2: Disponibile l'aggiornamento 4.7.0

a cura di Antonello Buzzi

Senior Staff Writer

Nintendo ha pubblicato la patch 4.7.0 per Splatoon 2. Tra i cambiamenti troviamo il ribilanciamento di diverse armi, oltre alla risoluzione di diversi problemi segnalati dagli utenti.

Ecco il changelog completo:

  • Changes to Multiplayer
    • Specifications for some of the main weapons have been changed.
      Weapon Change
      • Splattershot
      • Tentatek Splattershot
      • Kensa Splattershot
      • Hero Shot Replica
      • Octo Shot Replica

      • When equipped, the Main Power Up gear ability will now also lessen shot spread variance when firing while on the ground, in addition to the benefits it previously provided.

      • .52 Gal
      • .52 Gal Deco
      • Kensa .52 Gal

      • When equipped, the Main Power Up gear ability will now also lessen shot spread variance when firing while on the ground, in addition to the benefits it previously provided.

      • N-ZAP ‘85
      • N-ZAP ‘89
      • N-ZAP ‘83

      • When equipped, the Main Power Up gear ability will now also lessen shot spread variance when firing while on the ground, in addition to the benefits it previously provided.

      • Luna Blaster
      • Luna Blaster Neo
      • Kensa Luna Blaster

      • When equipped, the Main Power Up gear ability will now also cause shots that burst in midair to cover a larger area on the ground, in addition to the benefits it previously provided.

      • Squeezer
      • Foil Squeezer

      • Decreased ink consumption of the first shot after pressing ZR by roughly 4%.

      • Splat Brella
      • Sorella Brella
      • Hero Brella Replica

      • Increased ink consumption for each spread shot fired by roughly 15%.

    • Specifications for some of the sub weapons have been changed.
      Sub Weapon Change
      • Suction Bomb

      • Increased maximum explosion damage from 180.0 to 220.0.
      • However, damage dealt to Bubble Blower bubbles remains unchanged.

      • Squid Beakon

      • The benefits of the Sub Power Up gear ability are now more likely to occur, even with fewer instances of the gear ability equipped.

    • Specifications for the following special weapon have been changed.
      Special Weapon Change
      • Splashdown

      • Increased damage dealt to opponent Ballers by roughly 2.4 times.
      • Increased damage dealt to armor surrounding an opponent charging a Booyah Bomb by roughly 7.5 times.

    • Specifications for certain gear abilities have been changed.
      Gear Ability Change
      • Object Shredder

      • Increased damage dealt to armor surrounding an opponent charging a Booyah Bomb by roughly 5%.

      • Last-Ditch Effort

      • When playing a Ranked Battle match, in addition to the benefits it previously provided, Last-Ditch Effort’s benefits will improve when the opposing team’s counter is 50 or below, and continue to improve gradually as the counter continues to decrease.
      • This benefit will max out once the counter has reached 30.
      • There are no changes to the benefits this gear ability provides in Turf War matches.

    • Points required for using specials have been changed for certain main weapons.
      Weapon Before After
      • N-ZAP ‘85

      210 200
      • N-ZAP ‘89

      190 180
      • Enperry Splat Dualies

      220 210
      • Aerospray RG

      170 180
      • Aerospray PG

      180 190
      • Mini Splatling

      190 210
      • Heavy Splatling Remix

      180 190
      • Kensa Undercover Brella

      180 190

  • Fixed an issue causing unintended locations to be inked if a Quick Bomb’s explosion struck the boundary between two pieces of terrain directly.
  • Fixed an issue on Inkblot Art Academy causing players super jumping to a location near the narrow pathway to the left of the spawn point to mistakenly clip into the stage terrain.
  • Fixed an issue on Kelp Dome in Tower Control or Clam Blitz matches, where dodge rolling in a specific location would cause the player to appear to fall out of bounds and then be splatted.
  • Fixed an issue on Goby Arena causing Squid Beakons placed next to a specific sponge in the stage not to be destroyed when the sponge expanded over them.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Object Shredder gear ability, mistakenly causing its effects to be applied when taking damage from the Rainmaker barrier, or from the Rainmaker’s explosion when its timer runs out.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Thermal Ink gear ability’s effect to activate after destroying an opponent’s Ink Armor with a main weapon, even if that player had taken no damage.
  • Fixed an issue occurring with the Slosher, Slosher Deco, or Hero Slosher Replica equipped, where pressing ZL before the shot is fired after pressing ZR would mistakenly cause the player to immediately change forms.
  • Fixed an issue occurring while using the Bubble Blower special weapon, where pressing ZL before a bubble is fired after pressing ZR would mistakenly cause the player to immediately change forms.
  • When using the Ink Storm, Ultra Stamp, or any of the Bomb Launcher special weapons, pressing ZL before completely entering the “ready to throw” pose after pressing and holding R will now allow players to immediately change forms.

Ricordiamo che il titolo è disponibile esclusivamente per Switch. Trovate tutte le notizie e gli articoli inerenti il prodotto nella nostra scheda.

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Fonte: Gematsu

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