Shenmue I & II Remaster: La nuova patch beta risolve diversi problemi

Immagine di Shenmue I & II Remaster: La nuova patch beta risolve diversi problemi

a cura di Antonello Buzzi

Senior Staff Writer

SEGA ha pubblicato una nuova patch beta per ShenMue I & II Remaster che, stando alle note di rilascio, migliora la riproduzione delle melodie MIDI in background durante diverse scelte, migliora i controlli in HangOn ed Afterburner II, risolve alcuni problemi di lip syncing ed altro ancora.

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Ecco il changelog completo:

Shenmue 1 & 2 Remaster Patch 5 Release Notes

Audio• Improved the MIDI playback for various instances of background music.• Fixed a MIDI playback issue that could cause “stuck notes”.• Increased music volume when playing games in “Shenmue Collection”• Fixed various issues with SFX.• Fixed an issue that would cause the volume of some dialogue during combat to be controlled via the SFX volume option.• Fixed various issues with lip syncing.

UI• Fixed an issue that would cause the money panel to sometimes continue to display over arcade games.• Fixed an issue that would cause the clock to obstruct the score in Space Harrier.• Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong animation to play in the moves list UI.• Fixed various issues caused by low UI scale values.• Fixed an issue where the cassette player battery would sometimes display while viewing cassette tapes.• Fixed various issues with help screens.• Fixed various issues with the “completed game” save screen.• Fixed an issue that would cause text to occasionally display with a blue outline.• Fixed issues with missing prompts and missed input in QTE title when obtaining high scores.• Improved the display of directional inputs when playing Excite QTE 2.Graphical Issues• Added the ability to adjust gamma values via the graphics options.• Fixed the “A”, “B”, “X” & “Y” gacha colours.• Fixed an issue with some cutscenes being incorrectly displayed in 16:9 with graphical issues.• Fixed an issue that would cause the camera to clip through scenery in Bunkado Antiques.• Fixed issues with Shenmue 1 shadows which caused them to appear “blocky”.

Controls• Improved the controls while playing HangOn.• Improved the controls while playing Afterburner II.• Space Harrier and Afterburner II controls now no longer default to inverted.• Fixed thumbstick issues when interacting with the Shenmue 1 Jukebox.• Fixed an issue that could cause the forklift truck to become unstoppable.

Miscellaneous• Fixed issues with move experience gains not working as expected.o Experience gains are now correctly saved.o The UI has been updated to show the experience progress since the last time the moves list was opened.• Fixed an issue that would cause Gacha rewards to not be given when playing Space Harrier in Shenmue II.• Fixed an issue what caused Ryo to not receive the certificate of completion after playing HangOn.• Fixed an issue that caused the “Mini HangOn” gacha to be incorrectly awarded.• Fixed occasional freezes while playing Space Harrier.• Fixed an occasional crash when attempting to enter initials in Outrun.• Fixed an issue where pausing while entering a loading screen could sometimes cause you to get stuck in the loading screen.• Subtitles showing betting information for gambling mini-games are now localised.• Fixed an issue that would cause snapshots to be corrupted when taken at certain resolutions.

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Fonte: DSOG

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