Ritorna Rise of the Triad


a cura di Nitro

Durante il QuakeCon Apogee Software ha confermato la realizzazione del reboot di Rise of the Triad, storico sparatutto rilasciato il 21 dicembre 1994. La nuova versione, in arrivo entro la fine dell’anno corrente su Steam, manterrà la storyline originale e introdurrà un comparto grafico aggiornato grazie all’utilizzo dell’Unreal Engine 3.“Eravamo alla ricerca di un valido team di sviluppo con cui lavorare per il ritorno di Rise of the Triad, e lo abbiamo trovato in Interceptor Entertainment ha dichiarato Terry Nagy, co-founder e CCO di Apogee Software.Apogee ci ha dato una grande opportunità con Rise of the Triad poiché siamo tutti amanti degli shooter vecchia scuola e dell’azione frenetica.” – ha affermato Frederik Schreiber, CEO di Interceptor Entertainment.Di seguito potete trovare le principali feature del titolo in lingua inglese: – Step into the shoes of the H.U.N.T. (High-Risk United Nations Taskforce) with five unique characters, each with different play styles. – Blast through over 20 of levels of explosive single-player action. – Unique multiplayer maps bring back all the fun and excitement of classic ROTT. – The full arsenal of over-the top weapons is back, including the Flamewall, Firebomb, Split Missile, Drunk Missile and, of course, the Excalibat! – The maniacal modes return, too, with God mode, Elasto mode, Mercury mode, Shrooms mode and everyone’s favorite, Dog mode! – Build your own levels, mods and share them with Valve’s Steamworks. – Offline single-player and multiplayer allows for instant action. – Find tons of secrets, collectables, special events and hidden areas to explore. – Get more than 100 achievements to add to your score, which is tracked on our worldwide leaderboard and stat-tracking system. – ROTT is bloodier and more ludicrous than ever, with full character and enemy dismemberment. – The iconic original soundtrack has been completely re-forged in the fires of heavy metal! – Nostalgia abounds with the option to play with all the original sounds and music. – Built on fully-licensed Unreal Engine 3 technology, ROTT will run on low-end PCs and push high-end PCs to their limits.Concludiamo con il primo trailer di gioco, disponibile nel player sottostante. Buona visione!

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