Rilasciato l'update 1.02 di Call of Juarez: Gunslinger


a cura di Alexander

ha rilasciato un nuovo update per la versione PC di Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, l’FPS di Techland che è ha segnato il ritorno alle origini western della serie. Secondo il changelog che pubblichiamo qui sotto, questa patch aggiunge dei nuovi settaggi video, alcuni comandi via tastiera/mouse e altre migliorie minori ma non per questo trascurabili (in parte riguardanti il profilo utente).Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Update 1.02 Changelog:Changes:
– Quick access to users’ profiles is now possible directly from any leaderboard menu – New game option allows to “de-pimp” legendary weapons’ in order to use standard (regular) skins – Extra directional arrows are now displayed next to action keys during Quick Time Events sequences when played on mouse/keyboard – Slightly balanced Ranger’s possibilities of building score in Arcade mode – Availability of the hit indicator in True West difficulty mode now depends on “crosshair” setting in the game’s options – Changing game’s difficulty during the first mission doesn’t affect granting achievements after completing the playthrough on different difficulties – it now counts from the second mission on – New settings available in video.scr file – Additional characters in Japanese font allow for better displaying users’ nicks on leaderboards Fixes: – Fixed potential gameplay block on the mission “Bounty Hunter Is Still My Name” – Fixed several inconsistencies of the Ranger, Rifle and Sawed-off Rifle animations – Corrected Ranger’s Fast Aim bonus in Arcade Mode – Fixed problem of restoring the video settings to default values on each launch of the game – Fixed potential crash on re-launching the game after setting shadows quality to a value unobtainable on given configuration – Fixed crash when using -safemode command line switch to reset video settings to default values – Fixed some problems with audio playback, potentially leading to audio blackouts etc. – Fixed mapping of audio channels on 4.0 quadrophonic output configurations – Fixed potential crash after using Steam overlay in the leaderboards menu – Workaround for apparent blocks when game is sent to background during loading – Fixed some rare scenarios of losing game’s window after sending it to background – Workaround for problems when booting the game on systems that have problems with video playback. Please follow instructions from in case of such problems. – Minor tweaks and fixes in all localizations.

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