PSN Top Sellers di dicembre


a cura di rspecial1

Ecco i titoli più venduti sul Playsation Store di Sony nel mese di dicembre:Top 20 PSN and PS3 Full Games1: Sonic CD2: inFAMOUS 2 Festival of Blood3: NBA JAM: On Fire Edition4: PAYDAY: The Heist5:Trine 26: Castle Crashers7: Saints Row 28: Resident Evil 49: Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection10: Voltron: Defender of the Universe11: Penny Arcade Adventures: OTRSPOD, Episodes 1 and 212: Scene It? Movie Night13: Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD14: Dungeon Defenders15: Battlefield 194316: Midnight Club Los Angeles Complete Edition17: Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition18: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare19: REAL STEEL20: LIMBOTop 5 PS3 Add-Ons1) FIFA Soccer 12 – PREMIUM GOLD JUMBO2) FIFA Soccer 12 – PREMIUM GOLD PACK3) Batman: Arkham City – Arkham City Skins Pack4) Battlefield 3 – Back to Karkand5) NHL 12 – Jumbo Mega Deal PackTop 5 PSone Classics1) Final Fantasy VI2) Final Fantasy VII3) CHRONO CROSS4) Final Fantasy V5) Crash BandicootTop 5 PSP Games1) Corpse Party2) NBA 2K12 PSP3) Mega Man Maverick Hunter X4) Need For Speed Most Wanted5) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

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