Prossime uscite Xbox Marketplace


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ha rilasciato le date delle prossime uscite in arrivo sul marketplace di Xbox 360 attraverso le pagine del Major Nelson come di consuetudine.Xbox LIVE Arcade Sonic 4 Episode 2 16-May 1200Jam Party 16-May 800Dragon’s Lair 18-May 800Joy Ride Turbo 23-May 800 Game Add-ons Max Payne 3 Season Pass 15-May 2400Zumba Fitness Rush Bollywood Style Pack 15-May 480Tiger Woods 13 Emerald Dragon Fantasy Course 15-May 400Tiger Woods 13 Wolf Creek Gold Club 15-May 400Tiger Woods 13 TPC Blue Monster at Doral 15-May 400Forza Motorsports 4 Porsche Expansion Pack 22-May 560Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 2 22-May 1200 Deal of the Week
Kinect Arcade 15-May – 21-May Fruit Ninja Kinect 560 (30% off)Hole in The Wall 400 (50% off)Leedmees 400 (50% off)Double Fine Happy Action Theater 400 (50% off)Rhythm Party 400 (50% off)Haunt 400 (50% off) Outland 22-May – 28-May 400 (50% off)Might & Magic clash of heroes 600 (50% off)Beyond Good & Evil HD 400 (50% off) Sales & Specials Microsoft Studios Publisher Sale 15-May – 21-May 50% off Games on Demand Saints Row The Third 15-May The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 15-May Wipeout 2 15-May Let’s Cheer 15-May Avatar Halo Universe Update 15-May Ghost Recon Future Soldier 15-May Zumba Fitness Rush 15-May Batman Costumes 22-May International Football Update- EURO 2012 Football 22-May Avatar Pants 22-May Marvel Update 22-May

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