Prossime uscite Xbox Live


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ha rilasciato le date delle prossime uscite in arrivo sul marketplace di Xbox 360 attraverso le pagine del Major Nelson come di consuetudine.Xbox LIVE Arcade Jeremy McGrath Offroad Racing (D3 Publisher) 27-Jun 800Mini Ninjas Adventures (Square Enix) 29-Jun 800Spelunky (MGS) 4-Jul 1200Bellator MMA Onslaught (345 Games) 4-Jul 1200 Game Add-ons Skyrim Dawnguard(Bethesda – English version only) 26-Jun 1600Battlefield™ 3: Close Quarters (Electronic Arts) 26-Jun 1200Mass Effect™ 3: Extended Cut (Electronic Arts) 26-Jun FreeForza Motorsports 4 July Car Pack (Microsoft) 3-Jul 560 Deal of the Week
Multiplayer 26-Jun to 2-Jul Trine 2 (Atlus) 600 (50% off)Gotham City Impostors (Warner) 800 (33% off)Nexuiz (THQ) 200 (75% off)Worms 2 Armageddon (Microsoft) 400 (50% off)Shoot Many Robots (Ubisoft) 400 (50% off)X-Men Arcade (Konami) 400 (50% off) Activision 3-Jul to 9-Jul Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: Collection 1 600 (50% off)Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: Collection 2 600 (50% off)Call of Duty Black Ops: First Strike 600 (50% off)Call of Duty Black Ops: Escalation 600 (50% off)Call of Duty Black Ops: Annihilation 600 (50% off)Call of Duty Black Ops: Rezurrection 600 (50% off) Special Sales Kinect Central – Sesame Street OUAM New Chapter (Warner) 26-Jun to 2-Jul 200 (50% off) Games on Demand DoDonPachi (Rising Star Games) 26-Jun EMEA, ANZ and Asia (except Korea)Grease Dance (505 Games) 26-Jun Not in AsiaCars Mater National (Disney) 26-Jun EMEA, ANZCabela’s North American Adventure (Activision) 26-Jun NA only Avatar Ninja Update (Xbox LIVE) 3-Jul Vampire/Werewolf Collection Update (Xbox LIVE) 3-Jul Spongebob Squarepants (Nickelodeon/MTV) 3-Jul Surf and Skate Update (Xbox LIVE) 3-Jul adidas Summer Sports (Konami) 3-Jul

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