Prossime uscite Xbox Live


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ha rilasciato le date delle prossime uscite in arrivo sul marketplace di Xbox 360 attraverso le pagine del Major Nelson come di consuetudine.Xbox LIVE Arcade Mad Riders 30-May 800Sega Vintage: Streets of Rage 30-May 800Sega Vintage: Golden Axe 30-May 800Bang Bang Racing 6-Jun 800Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown 6-Jun 1200 Game Add-ons Batman Arkham City Harley Quinn’s Revenge 29-May 800Mass Effect 3 Rebellion 29-May FREE Deal of the Week
PopCap 29-May to 4-Jun Plants vs. Zombies 600 (50% off)Peggle 400 (50% off)Peggle Nights 200 (50% off)Zuma 200 (50% off)Bejeweled 3 600 (50% off)Heavy Weapon 400 (50% off)Astropop 400 (50% off)Feeding Frenzy 2 400 (50% off)Bejeweled Blitz Live 200 (50% off)Feeding Frenzy 200 (50% off) Sega Bass Fishing 5-11 June 400 (50% off)Borderlands New Revolution 400 (50% off)Borderlands Secret Armory Unsensored 400 (50% off)Borderlands The Underdome 400 (50% off)Borderlands Zombie Island 400 (50% off)Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare Collection 800 (50% off)Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare Collection – Japan Only 1050 (50% off)Boulder Dash-XL 400 (50% off) Games on Demand Minute To Win It 29-May Cars 2 29-May Avatar Military Collection Update 29-May Assassin’s Creed 3 29-May Trendy Trousers 29-May Sonic Adventure 2 5-Jun Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown 6-Jun

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