Slightly Mad Studios
ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per Project CARS: la build 282, disponibile per possessori di account Team Member o superiori, continua l’opera di aggiunta e affinamento di elementi grafici in diversi circuiti.Questo il log completo dell’aggiornamento:Build 282 (17/8/12, Team Member+)Controller settings will be lost with this update.BStorage v1.1.1.0:- Added missing memtraces- Added BStorageMapping- Added BitMask member type- Added Enum member type- Added Proxy Structures supportDowngraded a speech assert to a warning while it’s WIPUpdated ghosts to correctly use platform-specific online user idSimplified HUD interface to put a flag icon on the track map – the new interface takes a 3D position vector directlyAdded classes tracking vehicle state required for flag raisingSending of flag raise and withdraw eventsProfile:- Added initial BStorage support- Migrated controller settings to read/write via BStoragecVehicleSet changes to support BStorage read/writeBathurst – add new textures for blackmarshal hutBathurst – New textures/PSD files. 1st commitEifelwald trees texture improvement, WIPBelgian Forest – improve, finalise F1 pitbuilding texturesAdd initial track camera sets for Eifelwald, Heusden, Monterey and Moravia. Very w-i-p, but better than nothingBelgian Forest – add new textures – F1 pitbuildingLightglow_billboard.fx: change distance formula so flares fade out in extreme closeups. First pass. Coefficients may need adjustment and some car art will certainly need to be tweakedNew Belgian Forest exportNew Eifelwald export