Project CARS : build 272 disponibile


a cura di Francesco Ursino

Slightly Mad Studios
ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento relativo a Project CARS; la build 272, disponibile per possessori di account Junior o superiori, apporta migliorie per quanto riguarda il launcher del gioco e le fondamenta del sistema online, oltre che alcuni affinamenti per quanto riguarda grafica e gameplay
.Questo il log completo:Build 272 (3/8/12, Junior+)Adding trd properties to allow use to be able to specify the center of the trackNow able to set the center of the tracks for clouds and skyringAdded logging to session message managerOnline:- HttpApi now has a Unicode interface- Changed services using HTTPAPI so that they use the Unicode http api, instead of each service doing its own conversionsLauncher:- The error message in case of invalid username/password will be much clearer- Added compile-time defines to point the launcher to the dev server- Added configurations that define these definesBelgian Forest – updated trees for paddock areaEifelwald. Tweaked textures/PSD filesBadenring – add viewer lights and fix positions few static assets for new marshal hutsTweaked lights around pitbuilding to avoid dark areasAdding spotlights to BadenringsLauncher: new executablesIntegration to handle new speech data formatBFC Kerb texture updatesBadenring – add new and imrpove texturesAdded new temp textures for Eifelwald, first revisionBathurst 3D eucalyptus instances, statics and instancesBillboard bush instances for bathurstLotus 49: drag adjustment. top speed now back up around 190mphBAC Mono: fix for tabs and spacing in the CDF (readability issue)BAC Mono: re-balanced aero to factor in drag torque effects. Shift from 120% rear to ~85%. Small other setup tweaks to fit with this change. Wider tuning rangesEifelwald textures improvementConnecticut Hill – Added Track Centre Data to all TRDs for Cloud renderingPagani Huayra: Added support for custom liveriesCaterham Classic: Fixed overlapping front fender UVs + custom livery supportNew Badenring exportsNew Belgian Forest exportNew Eifelwald exportNew Memphis exportNew Test Track export

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