Project CARS : build 202 disponibile


a cura di Francesco Ursino

Slightly Mad Studios
ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per Project CARS: la build 202, disponibile per possessori di account Team Member o superiori, apporta diverse migliorie relative al gameplay e all’aspetto grafico.Da questa particolare release
in poi, inoltre, considerata la grandezza sempre crescente (oltre i 3 Gb) delle build, i vari aggiornamenti settimanali e mensili saranno rilasciati sotto forma di patch, con un nuovo sistema che permette quindi di scaricare solo il necessario.Di seguito è presente il log completo della build:Build 202 (27/4/12, Team Member+) Update rolling start option accordingly when selected track forces rolling start Fix AI throttle cap at 100%. Adjusted helmet cam exposure to suit new art Added the ability to submit flags with stats. In the future, the stats will be used to record information like whether or not driving aids were enabled during the record lap. Removed obsolete API to submit records without sector times In car view exhaust resonation layer enabled New Azure Coast reverse HUD map added Enabling helmet cam audio dampening Bodywork_Carbon Max shaders. Changed specular settings for carbon to look the same as vehicles_basic New Besos textures checked in Bodywork_Carbon Max shaders. Specular settings for Matte option updated Adjust LOD/CUL settings such that distant cars don’t disappear so early Belgian Forest – update trees for new terrain/new treewals and fixed few crowds intersections Added the California HUD maps New Palmer JPLM export New Anhalt exports New Bathurst export New Belgian Forest export New Besos exports New Loire exports New Sakitto exports

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