Project CARS : build 164 disponibile


a cura di Francesco Ursino

Lo sviluppatore Slightly Mad Studios ha rilasciato la build 164 per Project C.A.R.S., dedicata anche ai possessori di account Junior. Tra le migliorie si segnalano l’affinamento del force feedback, l’aggiunta di una prima versione del sistema di illumiazione dinamico e il restyling dell’HUD.Questo il log nel dettaglio:Build 164 (2/3/12, Junior Member+)MUST START A NEW PROFILE WITH THIS BUILD Reduced suspension forces linearly for AI at very low speeds FFB road noise and force balancing tweaks Remove custom printf hooks on exit to make sure they’re not called during CRT cleanup Shadow improvements to work with time of day changing Add missing default for track order override property. Tweaked Logitech rumblestrip force Adding per-car tweakable values for the behaviour of the surface sounds Weather fix for dynamic particle lighting. Adjust shadow update threshold Tyre scrub effect for more capable wheels Fix for spot shadows Disabled cloud domes on a toggle Reduce jolt impact for player to vehicle collisions Fixed order of in game exit process to prevent the intermittent return to GUI crash caused by particle deletion order. Fixed particle manager cleanup to prevent multiple calls to Reset function Updated adjustment of friction factors of contacts between vehicles Computation of relative velocity between vehicles in contact now uses velocities at contact point HUD: added new minimal HUD HUD: backgrounds slightly darker Wtc and sky texture tweaks Headlights turn off later, wtc edit Loire texture updates Ariel Atom 3 – cockpit glow texture Asano TDX – cockpit glow texture Asano TDX – Steering wheel glow texture Caterham R500 – cockpit glow texture Gumpert Apollo – cockpit glow texture HUD: fixed broken lap gadgets HUD: adding laptimes to all HUD variants Reduced bump amplitude for bumpyroads1 from 2cm to 1.4cm Hide car when rear looking from roof cam Reduced adrenalin, stamina and concentration effects on AI Added new HUD fonts Quick Race and Display screens updated Updated the TRDs and tracklists to appear in the correct menu order Fixed Motec display colour Fix for START button, and support for Min/Max opponent difficulty Added HUD Motec to a few cars Reduced headlight range a little 5-10% reduction in tyre force multiplier Added 64 grid support to AIW. TRD also updated. Tracks: Bologna, Connecticut Hill, Connecticut Hill Short Improved DX11 tree shaders – increased alpha cut-off to match DX9, and moved alpha test to before dither to ensure it makes best use of alpha to coverage New Connecticut exports New Loire exports

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