Project CARS : build 141 disponibile


a cura di Francesco Ursino

Lo sviluppatore Slightly Mad Studios ha rilasciato una nuova build di Project C.A.R.S., appena tre giorni dopo l’ultimo aggiornamento.La build in questione introduce ulteriori miglioramenti nel sistema di force feedback e nella risposta ai comandi, un incremento della qualità della UI, oltre che nuove versioni di vari tracciati già presenti.Questo il log completo:Build 141 (30/1/12) Disable visual steering wheel prediction FFB progressive slip updates for understeer improvements Protect against no vehicle details having been set for player when doing seat adjustments Take direction into account when validating quick race track selection WIP – subtle FFB engine vibration (enabled on Logitech devices for now). New profile required Input Lag updates Added F1 menu item for Render Bridge Interval Legs/fingers micromovement Updated the TRDs to have appropriate “Setup Group” data (Circuits/Karts/Test Track) SuperKart: cockpit display added Seatbelts and face rig added for Driver Ariel Atom: new collisions finished, WIP ambient occlusion Massive update to the UI (see UI Engineering Thread) Corrected maximum opponent count. Decimal places added to Tire Pressure in advance of Steve reducing the number by 100 Set quick race grid position to random (may change depending on WMD poll result). Car Setup on main screen swapped over to Options instead Increase grip of drains and astro turf. 1st pass textures Belgian Forest Deleted desktop and start menu Wip Lag shortcuts New Connecticut Hill exports New Belgium Forest export

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