E’ in preparazione una patch per Killzone 3. Il feedback ricevuto dalla demo ha convinto Guerrilla Games a fare dei cambiamenti dell’ultimo minuto, ma vediamo in dettaglio cosa cambierà: * A fix to the “Your Faction Has Won/Lost” issue, along with all oddities that resulted from this occurring * An issue that allowed more than two clans to join a clan match will be fixed * Increased Accuracy, Bullet Damage and Faster Reload Ribbons will update correctly on personal statistics screens * We’ve simplified the process to invite players into your game (just one button press) * The radius of the Marksman’s Scramble++ has been lowered * Medic’s Revive distance increased and cooldown to re-use is decreased * No collision on mortally wounded player bodies * Increased player stamina * An icon will be shown in the menu when you have a Killzone 3 message in your inbox Dopo l’uscita del gioco, saranno in previsione queste altre aggiunte: * Support for color-blind players * Implement unranked custom games for players to create private or clan matches * Enhanced custom games functionality that will allow players to: o Control over games modes and settings o Secure games, allowing you to invite the players you want to play with o The ability to prevent abilities and weapons from being used o Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc. o Selecting which careers you want available to players o Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off o Faction switching enabled or disabled * The Clan Officer role will be added to clans * Separate turn speeds for hip-fire and ADS * Overly enthusiastic death screams will be toned down * Increased the amount of kills required to win a Guerrilla Warfare match * Increased Accuracy ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered * Likewise, the Bullet Damage ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered as well * Matches will end if the other team forfeits (i.e. too few, or no players on the enemy team) * Matchmaking enhancements that will close and merge games based on player count, which will keep games more full * Balance factions out by moving players to the other team at the end of the match if one team is lopsided * The ability to turn off HUD markers for point pop-ups and objectives * A menu option to allow squad-only chat * The addition of a Mute All button * Scoreboard flickering will be fixed * Clans will no longer get matched against other clans that have many more players than they do (i.e. 4 vs. 7, 5 vs. 8)Killzone 3 uscirà il 23 febbraio in Italia.