Dopo la versione Playstation 3 oggi è il turno di quella Xbox 360 relativa a Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Online Edition di subire la patch correttiva da 2MB. Ecco cosa è stato sistemato da Capcom per il suo gioiello:• Fixes a bug that made it difficult to get into a Ranked Match, especially during times of peak traffic.• Fixes a bug that could cause players to have very large disconnection percentages (> 100)• Fixes a bug that could cause characters to become invisible online, or to be displayed with incorrect colors.• Fixes a bug that sometimes caused Hugo’s combo trial #2 to not detect correctly.• Fixes a bug that permitted an exploit in Trial mode when using “stun” settings.• Fixes some rare crashes.• Improves network stability.• Adds support for additional DLC packs.• Raises the online level cap.