Major Nelson, tramite il suo blog, ha reso note le offerte di Gennaio presenti su Xbox Live Marketplace. Ecco di seguito la lista. Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week* :
Week of January 10 – Zombies…Back from the Dead: Zombie Apocalypse, 400 Microsoft Points The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, 400 Microsoft Points Zombie Prop Avatar, 160 Microsoft Points Week of January 17: Plants vs. Zombies, 800 Microsoft PointsSpecial pricing available for Xbox LIVE Gold Members Xbox Games On Demand: January 4: Crackdown 2 January 11: Need for Speed SHIFT January 18: Transformers: The Game January 18: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen January 18: Dante’s Inferno Xbox LIVE Avatar Marketplace: January 6: New Year’s Resolution January 6: Food Fest January 6: Burton January 13: Dinosaur Pets January 13: Xbox 360 Gear Xbox LIVE Arcade: January 12: Zeit2 (Ubisoft) 800 Microsoft Points