Offerte XBL Marketplace di Gennaio


a cura di Sidmarko

Major Nelson, tramite il suo blog, ha reso note le offerte di Gennaio presenti su Xbox Live Marketplace. Ecco di seguito la lista. Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week* :
Week of January 10 – Zombies…Back from the Dead: Zombie Apocalypse, 400 Microsoft Points The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, 400 Microsoft Points Zombie Prop Avatar, 160 Microsoft Points Week of January 17: Plants vs. Zombies, 800 Microsoft PointsSpecial pricing available for Xbox LIVE Gold Members Xbox Games On Demand: January 4: Crackdown 2 January 11: Need for Speed SHIFT January 18: Transformers: The Game January 18: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen January 18: Dante’s Inferno Xbox LIVE Avatar Marketplace: January 6: New Year’s Resolution January 6: Food Fest January 6: Burton January 13: Dinosaur Pets January 13: Xbox 360 Gear Xbox LIVE Arcade: January 12: Zeit2 (Ubisoft) 800 Microsoft Points
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