Eccovi le offerte del giorno per la piattaforma di digital delivery Steam:Affare del Week EndFrozen Synapse -50% passa da 22,99€ a 11,49€Kalypso Pack -66% passa da 171,11€ a 59,99€ Include 18 oggetti: Ceville, Darkstar One, Dawn of Magic 2, DUNGEONS – Steam Special Edition, Dungeons: Into the Dark DLC Pack, Dungeons: Map Pack DLC, Grand Ages: Rome, Grand Ages: Rome – Reign of Augustus, Imperium Romanum Gold Edition, M.U.D. TV, Patrician III, Patrician IV – Steam Special Edition, Patrivician IV: Rise of a Dynasty, The Great Art Race, Tropico 2: Pirate Cove, Tropico 3 – Steam Special Edition, Tropico ReloadedTutti i titoli Kalypso inoltre saranno scontati singolarmente del 66%Affare del giornoAION -75% passa da 19,99€ a 5€ – L’offerta scade alle ore 19.00 di domani-Offerte LancioEDGE -10%The Clockwork Man -10%Offerte Speciali per il preordineDeus Ex: Human Revolution -10%Red Orchestra 2 -10%Rock of Ages -10%Nuclear Dawn -10%Hacker Evolution Duality -20%