Nuova build per C.A.R.S.


a cura di Francesco Ursino

Lo sviluppatore Slightly Mad Studios ha rilasciato una nuova build per Project C.A.R.S.. L’aggiornamento si concentra sul miglioramento del sistema di force feedback e sulla risposta ai comandiQuesto il log della nuova build:Build 139 (26/1/12) – Added shortcuts for pCARS_WipLag.exe – Tweak FFB self aligning torque algorithm – Added handling of some extreme cases in AI driver steering computation to avoid invalid float value results – Fix for debug rendering under DX11 – the internal shader was failing to compile, causing a crash when used with the input graph – Constant force balancing work – FFB updates to constant force – Further FFB self alignment work – Allow AI at Belgium Forest – New WDF file based off Bologna at Belgian Forest – Skinning and materials tweaks for driver – Increased the leaves density in one of the zones at CH – All LODs finished, minor polishing to the car, vertex AO baked on LODs Caterham – New Kart physics for the new low speed (<13 m/s) tyre model fix. The 126CC Kart was adjusted at Glencairn. The New 250CC Super Kart is a high speed track Kart so was created using Bologna to test. Both Karts were tested with 360 deg lock - Tweaked AI grip and slip angles to make it somewhat drivable for the AI. Super Kart tyre - New Caterham export - New Leonus F86 export - New Bathurst export - New Belgian Forrest export - New California Raceway export - New Northampton export

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