Max Payne 3 update


a cura di Naares

E’ da oggi disponibile un update per le versione PS3 ed Xbox 360 di Max Payne 3 volto a creare un miglior bilanciamento delle armi in multiplayer. Tale update verrà presto rilasciato anche per la versione PC del gioco, ma al momento non si hanno date precise. Seguono i dettagli comunicati direttamente da Rockstar:RPGStarting ammunition reducedProjectile will no longer ricochet or skim off smooth surfaces.38 RevolverEffective range increasedDE .50Accuracy and effective range slightly increasedStarting ammunition increasedResolved an issue that prevented the Gas Systems Kit attachment from granting the correct damage bonus608 BullStarting ammunition increasedMini-30Slightly lowered rate of fireReduced ammunition capacity of both normal and extended magazinesRecoil recovery speed improvedSawn OffSignificantly increased damage and rangeSuper SportStarting ammunition increasedTwo-Handed ShotgunsResolved an issue that prevented the Gas Systems Kit attachment from granting the correct damage bonusImproved the effectiveness of the Barrel Upgrade attachmentSuppressor AttachmentsNow correctly decreases weapon damage at moderate to long range

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