Info patch per Street Fighter III


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Dave Lang degli Iron Galaxy Studios ha risposto alla numerosa schiera di fan di Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition in relazione al futuro del titolo ed i piani della software house per migliorare il gioco. Lang ha rilasciato una serie di migliorie che verranno aggiunte con una futura patch, che al momento resta senza data, mentre ha escluso che verranno rilasciati ulteriori DLC come fondali aggiuntivi o musiche classiche. Replacing Ping Colors with actual numbers (in milliseconds) Matchmaking filters for region (can be set to same region you are in, or “any region”) & ping time Lobby can be restricted to players from same region as you, or any region EX Bars correct length Improved Netcode (I talked about this a bit during the panel, if you want more details please refer to that) Max 8 lobbies visible bug on PS3 Disable Stun as a Training Option Rounds and Time Settings affect Arcade Default Gill to “banned” in Player Match Multi-match modes retains player’s super choice Rank Cap resetting to 0 Option to disable the Challenge HUD from the sides in modes where they are visible

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