In arrivo patch 1.11 per Uncharted 3


a cura di Metalwing

Lo studio di sviluppo Naughty Dog ha rilasciato il patch note preliminare riguardante l’update 1.11 di Uncharted 3, il quale verrà rilasciato alla fine di questo mese: con la nuova patch, inoltre, farà ritorno anche la speciale playlist multiplayer The Lab vista nel precedente episodio della serie.Di seguito potrete trovare il patch note: – The Lab returns and we begin the playlist with a T-bolt/Pistole-only map. We will be rolling out other game types as the year progresses. – The Lab will contain treasure drops from whatever the base game type is (the T-bolt/Pistole map is considered Team Deathmatch). – Elimination Mode has been added. – Elimination mode will contain treasure drops from Team Deathmatch. – Message of the Day returns – a daily message will pop up with news, tips, and other information. – If you leave a game, disconnect, or turn off your PS3 mid-game, it will be counted as a loss. – Kill and deaths no longer count towards your career stats in Plunder and Team Objective modes. – The technical hooks to make the Game of the Year edition (EU) work properly with DLC were added. – In Team Deathmatch mode the Airstrip and London maps now are listed with “No Intro” variations. If these variations are selected you’ll start those maps with no convoy events. – The Long Ranger Medal can now be earned by achieving 3 kills at 50 meters in a match instead of 3 kills at 70 meters.Le seguenti impostazioni di gioco personalizzate saranno disponibili attraverso un menu in modalità Partita Personalizzata chiamato “Impostazioni Avanzate”: – Respawn Time. – Buddy Spawning toggle. – Health Multiplier – by percentage. – Sprinting toggle. – Weapon Mode (Default, Basic Weapons, Pistols, RPG-7). – Medal Kickbacks toggle. – Boosters toggle. – Grenade Throw Back toggleSimilmente a quanto successo con la Patch 1.09, tutti i file cinema creati prima della patch 1,11 non funzioneranno più una volta che l’aggiornamento verrà rilasciato. Pertanto, se si desidera conservare i file cinema, bisognerà caricarli su YouTube prima di scaricare e installare la patch 1.09.

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