In arrivo nuovo update per FFXIV


a cura di Metalwing

Il publisher Square Enix ha annunciato che il prossimo aggiornamento, il 1.22, per Final Fantasy XIV: Online risolverà il problema del rallentamento dei server di gioco: la nuova patch renderà inoltre possibile acquistare gli oggetti all’interno di tutte e tre le città presenti nel MMO attraverso gli NPC segnalati.Di seguito potrete trovare la patch note:The measures outlined below will be implemented in patch 1.22 to address server slowdown.Market AreasPatch 1.22 will introduce a number of improvements to market areas.The following locations will be added to each city’s market area: – Limsa Lominsa Mercantile House – Gridania Mercantile House – Ul’dah Mercantile HouseIn addition, the current item search feature will be moved to the locations mentioned above, and will take place through designated NPCs. This change will allow players to directly purchase items from any city’s market area. For example, a player in Gridania would be able to search for and purchase items from the Ul’dah market area by speaking with an NPC in the Ul’dah Mercantile House.“Market Guide” NPCs will be added:In addition to using the existing market area entrances, players will be able to speak with “market guides” around town to travel directly to each Mercantile House.It will now be possible to search retainer wares by typing item names into the search field.Inns – The entrance to the Ul’dah Inn will be relocated to the Gold Court in the Ul’dah Merchant Strip (X:6, Y:5). – Please note that until these measures are implemented, the current restrictions on entering the Ul’dah Inn will remain in effect.

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