Interceptor Entertainment
ha rilasciato un corposo update per il remake di Rise of the Triad del peso di circa 1GB, che si installa in automatico attraverso Steam e che apporta una serie di migliorie soprattutto al comparto singleplayer e al multi del gioco. Tra le altre aggiunte importanti, oltre a diversi bug fixes, il supporto al Ludicrous Development Kit con il quale sviluppare mod e l’implementazione del quicksave/quickload e relative penalità in caso di utilizzo.A seguire il changelog in inglese dell’update 1.2 di Rise of the Triad:Major Updates: * Ludicrous Development Kit now available to all owners of ROTT* Quicksave System Implemented (By default – F5 Saves, F6 Loads) Option to Load Quicksave now available upon death* Multiplayer master servers available in offline mode (You no longer have to login at all, even to play online MP) General
: * Added support for community multiplayer maps* Added support for community singleplayer maps* Credits no longer abruptly end after the old Scott’s Mystical Head appears* Fixed 100% achievements and multiple achievements for SP maps and weapons (All achievements should now work properly)* Ending dog mode with alt fire while having mercury no longer stops flight. Keep on flyin’ Singleplayer: * Quickload score penalties implemented for quicksaving/quickloading* Clicking “Restart Checkpoint” before the first checkpoint of the level no longer causes you to spawn with only a pistol.* Pressing Crouch key during loading screens no longer locks player into crouched state. Get up, stand up!* E1L1 – Out of bounds Rocket Jump fixed* E1L3 – Fixed areas you could get trapped in* E1L3 – Fixed Minor missing texture* E1L4 – Clipping lockers in gold key room fixed* E2L1 – Fixed Minor Fireball Emitter Mis-alignment* E2L2 – Fixed Minor Blade Runner spinblade Issue* E2L2 – Fixed “halls of fire” ridiculously low frame rate at lava pit* E2L2 – You can no longer trigger multiple room switches in without needing a key, stop exploiting The Room!* E2L2 – “evelator trouble” elevator will now move on, when shooting both guards with rocket* E2L3 – Fixed fireball trap on “urge to kill rising” checkpoint not doing anything upon loading from overworld* E2L3 – Enforcer is no longer too shy to emerge from his shipping container. C’mere fatty.* E2L4 – Spinning traps are now dealing damage in lava room* E2L4 – “You need the Bronze” text fixed* E2L4 – Stationary boulder will no longer trigger an instankill on player* E2L4 – No longer Possible to break the Fun House secret without needing the keys* E3L1 – No more Bleeding walls. Yeah, we know this one was wierd.* E3L1 – Player can no longer get caught on the wall above jump pad* E3L1 – ‘Domo Arigato’ – the wall Mr. Roboto explodes from will now disappear correctly* E3L3 – Remastered Music now plays correctly.* E3L3 – Blade traps in the level are no longer resisted by Asbestos armor. SORRY.* E3L3 – Railings in the missile silo that aren’t on the top floor can no longer be rocket jumped over to get stuck under the map* E3L3 – Overworld progress reset warning removed* E3L4 – Bounce-pad to second checkpoint no longer bugs out. Silly bounce pads.* E3L4 – Untextured section under GADS prior to Harrison Fjord Checkpoint now fixed* E3L4 – Fixed players falling through geometry in The Pit. You know where it is…* E3L4 – Fixed buggy staircase* E4AL – Uberpatrol will no longer suffer from “Stretchy Gibs”* E4L1 – Overworld checkpoint names fixed to correctly match in-game checkpoints* E4L1 – “Run Like Heaven” Area is now unloaded correctly* E4L1 – Lava wall in secret exit now hurts player correctly. Oooh, hot.* E4L1 – “Sin Reloaded” (“Part 2” from main menu) now spawns enemies correctly from checkpoint load* E4L2 – Backtracking from the last checkpoint is now fixed* E4L2 – Ending the level with classic music, now plays classic level end music Multiplayer: * Ludicrous Dedicated Server tool now has proper map rotation enabled* DM4 Testing Tube – “paths need to be rebuilt” message now gone* Water in Dunes of Hazard no longer slows the player down and you will not get stuck in water while in dog mode* Quickly unloading all your alt-fire no longer gets you stuck with no weapon and only a crosshair