I titoli più giocati su Xbox Live


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Ecco a voi le classifiche delle attività degli utenti su Xbox Live per i titoli più giocati sul servizio online.Xbox 360 Top LIVE TitlesCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Call of Duty: Black OpsMinecraft: Xbox 360 EditionFIFA 12Battlefield 3Halo: ReachModern Warfare 2NBA 2K12SkyrimGears of War 3GTA IVTrials EvolutionForza Motorsport 4Mass Effect 3NHL12Madden NFL 12Halo 3Red Dead RedemptionSaints Row: The ThirdCall of Duty 4Top Arcade Titles Minecraft: Xbox 360 EditionTrials EvolutionThe Walking DeadFable HeroesFezPinball FX2AwesomenautsI Am AliveCastle CrashersFamily Game NightFruit Ninja KinectBloodforgeToy Soldiers: Cold WarGotham City ImpostorsToy SoldiersTrials HDDungeon DefendersFull House PokerPeggleMagic: The Gathering — Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 Top Indie Games CastleMiner ZCastleMinerTotal Miner: ForgeThe $1 Zombie GameFortressCraft Chapter 1The Impossible Game Avatar PaintballAvatar DeathmatchFortress WarsFLIRTEnd Of Days: Infected vs MercsAvatar LegendsFlight Adventure 2Toy Stunt Bike 2Solar 2Firing Range 2Miner4EverAvatar Air WarsDon’t Die Dateless, Dummy!Attack of the Zombie Horde Games for Windows GTA IVAge of Empires OnlineBatman Arkham CitySuper Street Fighter IV Arcade EditionMicrosoft FlightBatman: Arkham AsylumDiRT 3Gotham City ImpostorsF1 2011Resident Evil 5Fallout 3Street Fighter X TekkenToy SoldiersFable IIIBioshock 2Colin McRae : Dirt 2BulletstormF1 2010Street Fighter IVSection 8: Prejudice

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