Evil Dead 2 x Phantom Halls si prepara al lancio


a cura di Marcello Paolillo

Senior Staff Writer

Incendium Games ha rilasciato poche ore fa le patch notes complete di Evil Dead 2 x Phantom Halls, il prossimo e corposo aggiornamento del loro titolo action adventure a tinte horror, Phantom Halls. L’espansione, come il nome lascia intendere, è dedicata interamente al classico film di Sam Raimi, dandoci modo di interpretare il mitico Ash nelle locazioni che abbiamo potuto ammirare nei lungometraggi omonimi. Poco sotto, le patch notes (in lingua inglese):Added the Cursed Forest environment.Added the Cabin, the first new structure to explore beyond the Phantom Halls mansion.Added the quest “Read By Dawn” for Ash.Added the quest “Dead Language” for the Nerd.Added the quest “DIY Hard” for the Hillbilly.Added reel 2 reel tape player, which unnerves characters that are nearby, reducing accuracy and slowing melee attack speed.Added the possessed deer head, which can come to life and gore you.Added the corrupted tree, which can crush unsuspecting bystanders.Added Deadite enemies.Added the ability to quickly switch to the next, usable weapon (The key is bound to Z by default, but will have to be manually bound if keybindings already exist)Fixed erroneous Ash dialogue trigger (Spoke about machete when looted bat)Fixed an issue where characters could “change directions” while busy.Reduced cool down on Ash’s chainsaw attack, revamped animation and extended duration of damage dealt, but it does need to rev up first!Full polish pass on giblets and splatter. It’s Evil Dead 2, we needed more gore!If you’re looking for more Evil Dead 2, then there is no need to worry. Another update will be coming later this week which will add a new boss, a new item, and more.Tutte le news e gli aggiornamenti nella nostra scheda dedicata al gioco!Fonte: Dualshockers

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