Eve Online: Informazioni sulla prossima patch


a cura di Antonello Buzzi

Senior Staff Writer

CCP Games
ha pubblicato i dettagli relativi alle aggiunte e cambiamenti apportati dalla patch per Eve Online che sarà pubblicata il prossimo 12 gennaio.Ecco il changelog completo in lingua originale:Audio:“In the Magnificent Realm” – the official YC 118.1 musical themeLocalization:Corrected a spacing issue in French localized People & Places UICorrected clipping issue observed in Russian Overview SettingsMissions & NPCs:Logistics Frigates may now enter small factional warfare complexes.SKINs:The following SKINs are now available from the new Tronhadar Ink line. They apply to the following ships:Breacher Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Burst Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Probe Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Rifter Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Slasher Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Vigil Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Talwar Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Thrasher Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Bellicose Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Rupture Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Scythe Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Stabber Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Cyclone Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Hurricane Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Tornado Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Maelstrom Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Tempest Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Typhoon Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Naglfar Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Nidhoggur Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Hel Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Ragnarok Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Hoarder Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Mammoth Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Wreathe Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)Fenrir Tronhadar Ink SKIN (Permanent)FIXES :Audio:Adjusted the audio effects for wormholes with reduced mass.Gameplay:Various structures that require the anchoring skill can no longer be deployed by players that have not trained the anchoring skill to the required level.Various Large Remote Armor Repairers have had their volumes reduced to 25m3 for consistency across the entire line.Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter I & Imperial Navy Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter have had their volume reduced to 5m3 for consistency across the entire line.Syndicate anchorable bubbles can now be bought and sold on the open market.Tech 2 and Tech 3 Destroyers may now enter the mission “Cutting the Net”Sentry Drones will once again turn to face their targets while aggressing.Fixed inconsistencies with corporation members accessing containers launched from ships in space. In general the launched containers behave like cargo containers created when jettisoning items from a ship cargo bay allowing corp members full access.The Armageddon now correctly applies its Nosferatu optimal range bonus as well as its falloff bonus.

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