Disponibile la patch 1.1 di Rise of the Triad


a cura di Alexander

Il ritorno di Rise of the Triad, FPS a sfondo fanta-nazista degli anni d’oro di Apogee, è stato un discreto successo e gli sviluppatori hanno continuato a supportare il loro progetto anche dopo il lancio. L’aggiornamento che è stato rilasciato di recente interviene su numerosi aspetti del titolo, introducendo tanti piccoli fix a tutti i livelli (generali, multiplayer, engine, etc) e diverse ottimizzazioni al codice.Di seguito elenchiamo parte del changelog dell’update 1.1 del gioco:FIx generali * Playable character speeds balanced and better jump control * Taradino: 2.5% Slower * Doug: 7.5% Slower * I .P: 5% Slower * Thi: No Change * Ben: No Change * Larry: 2.5% Slower * Leo: 2.5% Faster * John: 7.5% Slower * Lorelei: 2.5% Faster * Groz: 5% Slower * Bob: No Change * Arturo 2.5% Slower * Nolan 5% Slower * Fabio: 2.5 % Slower * Hoeg: 7.5% Slower * Added Anti-Cheat/exploit leaderboard prevention * Changed multiplayer listing server to be more stable * “Disabled crosshair” no longer resets when hosting a new server * Default Mouse Sensitivity is now 25 * Default FOV is now 85 * Weapons no longer disappear when picking up other weapons when in God mode * “Yes / No” no longer re-selectable when exiting the game. Yes means yes. NO MEANS NO! * “The Feiner Things” achievement fixed * Firebomb viewmodel is now displayed correctly in 5:4 resolutions * Tweaked blood hit effect for performance gains * Tweaked God mode explosion effect for performance gains * Blood Spray from gibs effect capped to increase performance (entrails are enabled by PhysX support in launcher) * Overworld Map – E4L4 box no longer shows over checkpoint selector * Added Walk function (default Left Shift) * Decals are now active by default * Health bonuses are now based on percentages * Game brightness is now saved properly * Split missle is now saved upon reaching checkpoints * Fixed infinite ammo projectile weapons glitch * In-game FPS counter can now be turned on permanently in main menu * Popup combo information can be turned off in main menu * Fixed HUD fade issue * HUD fade and size is now restored upon checkpoint load * If crosshair is disabled it’ll no long show up while aiming * Robots no longer block weapons once they are dead * Fixed God mode weapon switch exploit * Key rebind issue fixed * Lightshafts are disabled by default * Fixed suicide achievement exploit * Breakable objects that don’t inflict damage will no longer cook health * Removed Drunk Missile spin down delay (You don’t have to wait for it to spin-down anymore) * Fixed corrupted checkpoints when starting game from overworld and then restarting from checkpoint * Reduced split missile put down time when empty * Weapon Loadout Exploit fixed * Removed pointless main menu idle state

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