Deals With Gold: Snake Pass e Portal Knights tra le offerte della settimana

Tanti giochi proposti anche questa settimana a prezzo scontato sia per gli utenti Gold che per quelli Silver

Immagine di Deals With Gold: Snake Pass e Portal Knights tra le offerte della settimana

a cura di Antonello Buzzi

Senior Staff Writer

I nuovi Deals With Gold sono ora disponibili per Xbox 360 e Xbox One, e riguardano come di consueto un numero ragguardevole di titoli digitali.Tra questi, nella settimana corrente e fino al prossimo 23 aprile, troviamo Snake Pass Portal Knights.

Potete acquistare i giochi direttamente dal sito ufficiale che potete raggiungere seguendo questo link.

Ecco l’elenco completo delle offerte:

Xbox One

8-Bit Armies Xbox One Game 35% DWGAereA Xbox One Game 80% DWGAlmost There: The Platformer Xbox One Game 20% SpotlightAsterix & Obelix XXL 2 Xbox One Game 40% DWGBattlezone Gold Edition Xbox One X Enhanced 70% DWGBleed Xbox One Game 70% DWGDoughlings: Arcade Xbox One Game 30% DWGEthan: Meteor Hunter Xbox One Game 70% DWGFarming Simulator 17 Xbox One X Enhanced 67% DWGFarming Simulator 17 – Kuhn Equipment Pack Add-On 33% DWGFarming Simulator 17 – Premium Edition Xbox One Game 70% DWGFarming Simulator 17 – ROPA Pack Add-On 33% DWGFarming Simulator 17 – Season Pass Add-On 33% DWGFearfull Symmetry & the Cursed Prince Xbox Play Anywhere 75% DWGGRIP Digital Deluxe Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWGInfinity Runner Xbox One Game 50% DWGMugsters Xbox One Game 67% DWGOutbreak Xbox One Game 50% SpotlightOutbreak Bundle Xbox One Game 50% SpotlightOutbreak: The New Nightmare Xbox One Game 50% SpotlightOutbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles Xbox One X Enhanced 50% SpotlightOutbreak: The Nightmare Collection Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWGPortal Knights Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWGRaging Justice Xbox One Game 50% DWGRailway Empire Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWGRailway Empire – Crossing the Andes Add-On 35% SpotlightRailway Empire – Germany Add-On 35% SpotlightRailway Empire – Great Britain & Ireland Add-On 35% SpotlightRailway Empire – Mexico Add-On 35% SpotlightRailway Empire – The Great Lakes Add-On 35% SpotlightSlender: The Arrival Xbox One Game 85% DWGSnake Pass Xbox Game Pass 50% DWGSoul Axiom Xbox One Game 50% DWGThe Aquatic Adventure Of The Last Human Xbox One Game 67% DWGThe Walking Vegetables: Radical Edition Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight

Xbox 360

Bound by Flame* Backward Compatible 80% DWGCars 2: The Video Game * Backward Compatible 60% DWGDisney/Pixar: Brave The Video Game* Backward Compatible 60% DWGLEGO Indiana Jones 2* Backward Compatible 60% DWGThe Book of Unwritten Tales 2* Games On Demand 85% DWGThe Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief Episode 1* Arcade 85% DWGThe Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief Episode 2* Add-On 85% DWGThe Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief Episode 3* Add-On 85% DWG

deals with gold

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Fonte: Major Nelson

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