Deals With Gold: Mass Effect Andromeda e RIME tra le offerte della settimana

Tanti giochi proposti anche questa settimana a prezzo scontato sia per gli utenti Gold che per quelli Silver

Immagine di Deals With Gold: Mass Effect Andromeda e RIME tra le offerte della settimana

a cura di Antonello Buzzi

Senior Staff Writer

I nuovi Deals With Gold sono ora disponibili per Xbox 360 e Xbox One, e riguardano come di consueto un numero ragguardevole di titoli digitali.Tra questi, nella settimana corrente e fino al prossimo 8 luglio, troviamo Mass Effect Andromeda e RIME.

Potete acquistare i giochi direttamente dal sito ufficiale che potete raggiungere seguendo questo link.

deals with gold

Ecco l’elenco completo delle offerte:

Xbox One

101 Ways To Die Xbox One Game 60% DWG8-Bit Hordes Xbox One Game 30% DWG8-bit Invaders! Xbox One Game 40% DWGAlienCruise Xbox One X Enhanced 40% SpotlightAtomic Heist Xbox One Game 60% DWGBedlam – The Game By Christopher Brookmyre Xbox One Game 60% DWGDeadliners Xbox One Game 50% DWGDigerati Indie Darling Bundle Vol. 2 Xbox One Game 80% DWGDragon Age: Inquisition DLC Bundle Xbox One Game 75% DWGDragon Age: Inquisition – Game Of The Year Edition Xbox One Game 75% DWGEA Sports UFC 3 Xbox One X Enhanced 50% SpotlightEA Sports UFC 3 Deluxe Edition Xbox One X Enhanced 60% SpotlightFarming Simulator 17 Xbox One X Enhanced 75% DWGFarming Simulator 17 – Platinum Edition Xbox One X Enhanced 75% DWGFarming Simulator 17 – Platinum Expansion Add-On 33% SpotlightFarming Simulator 17 – Premium Edition Xbox One Game 75% DWGFarming Simulator 17 – Season Pass Add-On 33% SpotlightFlying Tigers: Shadows Over China Xbox One Game 50% SpotlightGnome Gardens: New Home Xbox One Game 60% SpotlightHyper Sentinel Xbox One X Enhanced 60% DWGI Hate Running Backwards Xbox One Game 75% DWGIdle Champions of the Forgotten Realms – Complete Force Grey Pack Add-On 45% SpotlightIdle Champions of the Forgotten Realms – Nayeli Starter Pack Add-On 60% SpotlightIdle Champions of the Forgotten Realms – Outfit Pack: Minsc’s Giant Boo Costume Add-On 40% SpotlightIdle Champions of the Forgotten Realms – Pseudodragon Familiar Pack Add-On 35% SpotlightMass Effect: Andromeda – Deluxe Recruit Edition Xbox One Game 70% DWGMass Effect: Andromeda – Standard Recruit Edition Xbox One Game 70% DWGMerge Mega Bundle Xbox One Game 70% SpotlightNickelodeon: Kart Racers Xbox One Game 50% DWGPang Adventures Xbox One Game 60% DWGR.B.I. Baseball 19 Xbox One Game 33% SpotlightRegalia: Of Men And Monarchs – Royal Edition Xbox One Game 40% DWGRiME Xbox One Game 50% DWGRIOT: Civil Unrest Xbox One Game 30% SpotlightShikhondo – Soul Eater Xbox One Game 67% DWGSHINY Xbox One Game 75% DWGThe BioWare Bundle Xbox One Game 75% DWGWoodle Tree Adventures Xbox One Game 30% SpotlightXuan Yuan Sword: The Gate Of Firmament Xbox One Game 40% DWG

Xbox 360

Boom Boom Rocket Backward Compatible 85% DWGDisney Bolt Backward Compatible 67% DWGFaery: Legends of Avalon Backward Compatible 80% DWGHomefront Games On Demand 70% DWGMonkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge Backward Compatible 67% DWGMotoGP 14 Games On Demand 90% DWGMotoGP 15 Games On Demand 85% DWGSaints Row Games On Demand 70% DWGThings on Wheels Arcade 80% DWG

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Fonte: Major Nelson

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