Data DLC Street Fighter X Tekken


a cura di rspecial1

ha annunciato che rilascerà i 12 nuovi personaggi destinati a Street Fighter X Tekken il prossimo 31 luglio 2012 al prezzo di 1600MP/ 20 Euro insieme ad una patch le cui caratteristiche sono elencate di seguito. La società ha anche comunicato che visti i riscontri negativi dei fan in futuro eviterà d’inserire contenuti aggiuntivi sul disco di gioco nei suoi prodotti.Caratteristiche bilanciamento attraverso patch:- Auto-Block and Auto-Tech gems have been changed so they take more meter to use, and they also take more meter away if you block or tech.- They are aware of the timer issue, but the dev team is looking for the best solution to make the gameplay exactly what it needs to be. They do intend to fix the timer issue.- Quick combos can be disabled with the quick combo DLC, if it bothers you.- They do know that accidental quick combos are a problem, and they’re working on other solutions.- Rolento’s jabs cause 2 less frames of block stun, along with other changes.- Xiaoyu crouching hard kick phoenix loops can only be done 3 times.- Ryu, Ken and Akuma’s Tatsumaki Sempuu Kyaku have had all their hitboxes reduced in size. The frame advantage on this move does on block has been reduced by 5 frames for all 3 characters and the moveset has also been decreased.

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