Cyanide ha pubblicato la prima patch per la versione PC di Call Of Cthulhu.
Stando alle note di rilascio, questo aggiornamento introduce la possibilità di modificare FOV e Motion Blur, oltre a risolvere una serie di bug riscontrati dagli utenti.
Ecco il changelog completo:
Call of Cthulhu First Patch Release Notes
- Added options to modify FOV and Motion Blur
- Added a scroll bar in the graphics menu to include these new options
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to progress in Chapter 12, due to dying immediately upon respawn
- Fixed a number of cases where players would be unable to leave scene reconstructions
- Fixed an issue where mouse input was not registered during dialogue
- Fixed an issue where cutscenes wouldn’t trigger, preventing players from progressing
- Fixed display issues with 4:3 and 16:10 resolutions in the diary and during dialogue
- Various minor bug fixes
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Fonte: DSOG