Build 192 per Project C.A.R.S.


a cura di Francesco Ursino

Nuova aggiornamento per Project C.A.R.S.: Slightly Mad Studios ha infatti rilasciato la build 192, disponibile per tutti i possessori di account Team Memeber o superiore. Tra le novità principali si segnalano l’introduzione del tracciato di Zolder e l’inserimento della helmet cam.Questo il log:Build 192 (12/4/12, Team Member+) Fix for app worker thread not waiting for jobs to finish Added helmet camera plus a few fancy wheel cams Helmet Cam: Added look into yaw effect Allow seat adjustment in helmet view Allow FOV change in helmet view Fix for the transmission whine not working properly from some cameras until you cycled through the other cameras Added a tweaker to optionally disable the helmet cam muffling effect Sakitto texture updates Heusden track added to the game BAC Mono: added redline to RPM bar; BAC Mono: cockpit display changes Racer: Added AO to all LOD New Racer exports New Sakitto exports New Heusden exportSono disponibili inoltre nuove immagini del titolo in questione. Buona visione!

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