Se siete degli utenti paganti di Battlefield 3 sarete lieti di apprendere le ultime novità comunicate da Electronic Arts. Ecco i bonus appena annunciati per gli utenti Premium:Unlock – F2000 Woodland Oak CamoPre-requisite Premium Assignment 1 completed100 kills with the F200050 squad revives25 kills with the underslung shotgunUnlock – Pecheneg Tactical CamoPremium Assignment 2 completed100 kills with the Pecheng25 Claymore kills25 vehicle kills with C4Unlock – L96 Digital Woodland CamoPremium Assignment 3 completed100 kills with the L9650 squad spot assists with the MAV350 meter headshot with the L96Unlock – Scar-H Berkut CamoPremium Assignment 4 completed100 kills with the SCAR-H20 kills with AT mines5 air vehicles killed with AT launchers (RPG/SMAW/Javelin)Unlock – Navy Blue Digital Camo for US Soldiers and Woodland Stripe Pattern for RU SoldiersPre-requisite F2000 Specialist, Pecheneg Specialist, SCAR-H Specialist and L96 Specialist Assignments completed500 kills with Assault400 kills with Support500 kills with Engineer300 kills with Recon