ArmA II si aggiorna


a cura di Folken

E’ stata finalmente resa disponibile una nuova patch per ArmA II, che lo porta alla versione 1.03. Questo aggiornamento porta tutta una serie di migliorie e bug-fix, di cui vi riportiamo la lista completa a fondo news.Questa patch, scaricabile da link allegato, servirà solo per le versione scatolate, in quanto quelle scaricate da Steam, si aggiorneranno automaticamente.Lista correzioni:* Major AI tweaking and balancing (especially AI infantry aural detection sensitivity lowered significantly) * Improved multiplayer and cooperative campaign (saving games, connection issues) * Numerous fixes and improvements in the Harvest Red campaign Engine: * New: Functions getPosATL and setPosATL to allow controlling position relative to terrain. * New: command line option -showScriptErrors introduced to show errors in scripts on-screen * New: Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available. * New: More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size) * New: Mission name (with * indicated unsaved work) displayed in the mission editor * New: Keyboard shortcuts in the mission editor * Improved: Better airplane HUD visibility both night and day * Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders. * Fixed: Rainbow is visible even with sun below horizon. * Fixed: 3D Editor – civilian and resistance units did not work correctly * Fixed: Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map. * Fixed: Terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map. * Fixed: Grenade could sometimes destroy a building just by impact * Fixed: Radio messages sometimes echoed * Fixed: Team switch did not work when player died * Fixed: Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear. * Fixed: Prevent killed AI units reporting who killed them. * Fixed: After respawn in MP, player’s tasks, diary content and skills are transferred to the new entity * Fixed: Leaning ‘limits’ did not work with TrackIR * Fixed: MP client frozen in Receiving… screen sometimes * Fixed: Problems with saving and loading games in cooperative campaign Missions: * Fixes and improvements in most of the campaign missions (Into the Storm, Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, Manhattan, Badlands, Dogs of War) * Improved: autosave logic to not save when it was not safe * Improved: Eye for an Eye in Scenarios Data: * Fixed: various minor problems on buildings * Fixed: rocks destruction effect changed * Fixed: penetrability of some vegetation * Fixed: collision geometry of A_BuildingWIP * Fixed: react FSM core conversations * Fixed: cargo animations in LAV25 * Fixed: indicators in Ka52 when using NVG * Fixed: cargo animations in BTR * Fixed: Warfare keypoint on Chernarus

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