Aperti i preorder per la soundtrack di The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

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Immagine di Aperti i preorder per la soundtrack di The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

a cura di Antonello Buzzi

Senior Staff Writer

Alcuni giorni fa è stata annunciata la commercializzazione di uno speciale album contenente la colonna sonora originale di The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. La compilation offre oltre 200 brani musicali distribuiti su quattro dischi.

Nonostante sia prevista solo per il mercato nipponico, è possibile anche acquistarla su Play-Asia, store online che ha aperto recentemente le prenotazioni.

the legend of zelda kins'a awakening soundtrack

Per l’occasione è stata diffusa anche la lista completa delle tracce presenti. Ecco l’elenco:

Disc 1 (Nintendo Switch ver.)01. Title (Opening Ver.)02. Insert Name03. Awake in Tarin’s home04. First Search05. Owl06. Get the Sword Fanfare07. Field (First Time)08. Field (Normal)09. Mabe Village10. Mysterious Forest11. Fruit12. Shop (Items, Magic Hag)13. Fairy Fountain14. Game Shop15. Fishing Game16. Fishing Game Hit17. Indoor18. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Marin A Cappella Ver.)19. Cave20. Dungeon 1 Tail Cave21. Passage22. Mid-boss Battle23. Boss Battle24. Boss Battle Victory Heart Get25. Siren’s Musical Instrument Fanfare26. Siren’s Musical Instrument Full Moon Violin27. WanWan Rescue Mission28. Mr. Write’s House29.Telephone Box30. Dungeon 2 Genie Cave31. Siren’s Musical Instrument Spiral Shell Horn32. Mad Batter’s Lair33. Richard’s Villa34. Kiki the Monkey’s Gratitude35. Dungeon Kanalet Castle36. Seashell Palace37. Dungeon 3 Key Cavern38. Siren’s Musical Instrument Sea Bell39. Tarin chased by Bees40. Animal Village41. Christine House42. Dream Shrine〜Entrance43. Dream Shrine〜Sleep44. Dream Shrine45. Beach Marin46. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Beach Ver.)47. Field (Together with Marin Ver.) (First Time)48. Field (Together with Marin Ver.) (Normal)49. Mysterious Forest (Together with Marin Ver.)50. Tal Tal Mountain Range (Together with Marin Ver.)51. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Walrus Awake Ver.)52. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Ocarina Instructions Ver.)53. Tal Tal Mountain Range54. Angler’s Tunnel Opening55. Dungeon 4 Angler’s Tunnel56. Siren’s Musical Instrument Sea Roar Harp57. Manbo’s Mambo58. House by the Bay59. Fishing Under the Bridge60. Dungeon 5 Catfish Big Mouth61. Before the Crush62.Siren’s Musical Instrument Storm Marimba63. Frog’s Song of Soul

Disc 2 (Nintendo Switch ver.)01. Southern Shrine02. Dungeon 6 Face Shrine03.Siren’s Musical Instrument Coral Triangle04. Color Dungeon05. Resurrected Chicken06. Chicken Hut07. Tal Tal Mountain Range (Second Half Ver.)08. Dungeon 7 Eagle’s Tower09. Boss Battle (Eagle’s Tower Ver.)10.Siren’s Musical Instrument Evening Organ11. Turtle Rock Battle12. Dungeon 8 Turtle Rock13. Siren’s Musical Instrument Distant Thunder Drums14. River Rapids15. River Rapids Time Attack16. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Musical Instrument Ver.)17. Owl (Sacred Egg Ver.)18. Sacred Egg19. Shadow Battle Omen20. Shadow Appearance〜Fight21. Shadow Battle Ultimate Form22. Shadow Battle Victory23. Ascent24. The Shadow Nightmares Appearance25. Koholint Island Disappearance26. Ending〜Staff Roll27. Game Over28. Title (No-Intro Ver.)29. Ocarina (No Memory)30. Ocarina「The Shadow Nightmares」31. Ocarina「Manbo’s Mambo」32. Ocarina「Frog’s Song of Soul」33. Danpei House34. Panel Dungeon Edit Mode35. Panel Dungeon Beginner Level36. Panel Dungeon Intermediate Level37. Panel Dungeon Advanced Level38. Panel Dungeon Shadow Link Battle39. Panel Dungeon Results40. Correct Solution Sound41. Item Get Fanfare42. Item Get Fanfare (Secret Seashell Ver.)43. Important Item Get Fanfare44. Important Item Get Fanfare (Gold Leaf Ver.)45. Important Item Get Fanfare (Ocarina Ver.)46. Hidden Enter Name BGM「Monkey」47. Hidden Enter Name BGM「Marin」48.Hidden Enter Name BGM「Zelda」49.Hidden Richard’s Villa BGM50. Title (With Intro Ver.)51. The Shadow Nightmares Song(TVCM Ver.) <Bonus Track>

Disc 3 (Game Boy ver.)1. Shipwreck2. Title (Opening Ver.)3. Insert Name4. Awake in Tarin’s home5. First Search6. Owl7. Get the Sword Fanfare8. Field (First Time)9. Field (Normal)10. Mabe Village11. Mysterious Forest12. Fruit13. Shop (Items, Magic Hag)14. Fairy Fountain15. Game Shop16. Indoor17. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Marin A Cappella Ver.)18. Cave19. Dungeon 1 Tail Cave20. Passage21. Mid-boss Battle22. Boss Battle23. Boss Battle Victory Heart Get24. Siren’s Musical Instrument Fanfare25. Siren’s Musical Instrument Full Moon Violin26. WanWan Rescue Mission27. Mr. Write’s House28. Telephone Box29. Dungeon 2 Genie Cave30. Siren’s Musical Instrument Spiral Shell Horn31. Richard’s Villa32. Kiki the Monkey’s Gratitude33. Dungeon Kanalet Castle34. Dungeon 3 Key Cavern35. Siren’s Musical Instrument Sea Bell36. Tarin chased by Bees37. Animal Village38. Christine House39. Dream Shrine〜Entrance40. Dream Shrine〜Sleep41. Dream Shrine42. Beach Marin43. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Beach Ver.)44. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Ocarina Instructions Ver.)45. Tal Tal Mountain Range46. Angler’s Tunnel Opening47. Dungeon 4 Angler’s Tunnel48. Siren’s Musical Instrument Sea Roar Harp49. Manbo’s Mambo50. House by the Bay51. Fishing Under the Bridge52. Dungeon 5 Catfish Big Mouth53. Before the Crush54. Siren’s Musical Instrument Storm Marimba55. Frog’s Song of Soul

Disc 4 (Game Boy ver.)1. Southern Shrine2. Dungeon 6 Face Shrine3. Siren’s Musical Instrument Coral Triangle4. Color Dungeon5. Resurrected Chicken6. Chicken Hut7. Dungeon 7 Eagle’s Tower8. Boss Battle (Eagle’s Tower Ver.)9. Siren’s Musical Instrument Evening Organ10. Turtle Rock Battle11. Dungeon 8 Turtle Rock12. Siren’s Musical Instrument Distant Thunder Drums13. River Rapids14. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Musical Instrument Ver.)15. Sacred Egg16. Shadow Battle Omen17. Shadow Appearance〜Fight18. Shadow Battle Victory19. Ascent20. Koholint Island Disappearance21. Ending〜Staff Roll22. Ending〜Staff Roll(DX Edition)23. Game Over24. Title (No-Intro Ver.)25. Ocarina (No Memory)26. Ocarina「The Shadow Nightmares」27. Ocarina「Manbo’s Mambo」28. Ocarina「Frog’s Song of Soul」29. Correct Solution Sound30. Item Get Fanfare31.Important Item Get Fanfare32. Lv2 Sword Get33. Hidden Enter Name BGM「Monkey」34. Hidden Enter Name BGM「Zelda」35. Hidden Richard’s Villa BGM36. Title (With Intro Ver.)

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