Annunciate le nomination per i Gamescom Awards 2015


a cura di Antonello Buzzi

Senior Staff Writer

Oggi la fondazione Digitale Spielekultur, che organizza i Gamescom Award ogni anno, ha annunciato le nomination per la competizione relativa all’edizione 2015.Eccovi la lista completa: Best Console Game Sony Playstation• Final Fantasy XV• Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain• Star Wars Battlefront• Uncharted 4• UnravelBest Console Game Microsoft Xbox• Final Fantasy XV• Halo 5: Guardians• Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain• Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2• Tom Clancy’s The DivisionBest Console Game Nintendo Wii• LEGO Marvel Avengers• Skylanders SuperChargers• Super Mario Maker• Xenoblade Chronicles XBest PC Game• Anno 2205• Call of Duty – Black Ops 3• Dark Souls 3• Mad Max• Star Wars BattlefrontBest Mobile Game (incluse portatili, iOS, Android, Windows)• The Airbender• The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes• Torchlight MobileBest Role Playing Game• Dark Souls 3• Dragon Quest Heroes• Final Fantasy XV• Tom Clancy’s The Division• Xenoblade Chronicles XBest Racing Game• Forza Motorsport 6• Need for Speed• Skylanders SuperChargersBest Action Game• Mad Max• Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain• Star Wars Battlefront• Uncharted 4• Until DawnBest Simulation Game• Anno 2205• Forza Motorsport 6• Grand Ages: MedievalBest Sports Game• FIFA 16• Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash• PES 2016Best Family Game• Guitar Hero Live• LEGO Dimensions• Dragon Quest Heroes• Skylanders SuperChargers• Super Mario MakerBest Strategy Game• Anno 2205• Crookz – The Big Heist• UnravelBest Social / Casual / Online Game• Guitar Hero Live• Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2• Super Mario MakerBest Online Multiplayer Game• Battleborn• Call of Duty – Black Ops 3• Halo 5: Guardians• Star Wars Battlefront• Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six SiegeBest Hardware (incluse periferiche)• Guitar Hero Live• HTC Vive• Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Fonte: DualShockers

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