Bohemia Interactive ha pubblicato una nuova patch beta per DayZ.
Stando alle note di rilascio, l’aggiornamento porta il software alla versione 0.63.149525 ed introduce una fisica migliorata per i veicoli, alcune modifiche alle animazioni ed altro ancora.
Ecco il changelog completo:
- Added: Reworked vehicle physics
- Added: Improvements to vehicles simulation
- Added: Minor improvement to IK poses
- Added: Minor improvements to heavy hit animations
- Added: Animations for drop item in different stances
- Added: Upon reconnect items with changed size (design tweaks) are now dropped on the ground if not enough space in the inventory
- Fixed: Invisible items after being dropped during gestures
- Fixed: VOIP directional sounds not working properly on 5.1 and 7.1 setups
- Fixed: Character falling from tilted ladders
- Fixed: Infected getting stuck in crouch animation
- Fixed: Engines not shutting down after being destroyed
- Fixed: Multitude of environmental issues (missing collisions, sudden LOD changes, models adjustments)
- Fixed: Various client/server errors related to in-game actions
- Fixed: Tachometer (rpm gauge) displayed incorrectly while gear in neutral position
- Fixed: Missing cooking sounds
- Fixed: Smoke from indoor fireplace not escaping through chimney
- Fixed: Restrained character not dying after disconnecting
- Fixed: Fixed a VME message, that could pop up on some clients upon launch and crash them.
- Tweaked: Vehicles sounds
- Tweaked: Ambient sounds
- Tweaked: Sounds of jammed weapons
- Tweaked: Sound of eating pills action
- Tweaked: Changes to input system (not yet ready)
- Tweaked: Changes to chem-light models when activated
- Fixed: Crash when the author of a subscribe mod wasn’t correctly retrieved
- Fixed: The URL of the workshop was incorrect in some places
- Removed: skipIntro startup parameter (no longer supported)
Known Issues:
- guns losing their shot sounds
- melee attacks always heavy, unless stamina is depleted
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Fonte: DSOG