Red Dead Redemption 2, l'aggiornamento 1.04 è online

Immagine di Red Dead Redemption 2, l'aggiornamento 1.04 è online

a cura di Marcello Paolillo

Senior Staff Writer

Rockstar Games ha reso noto pochi minuti fa che l’ultimo aggiornamento di Red Dead Redemption 2 (Versione 1.04) è online su PS4 e Xbox One.

Questi fornisce la stabilizzazione per la beta di Red Dead Online, oltre a vari bug fix relativi alla campagna single player del gioco (in particolare, l’errore che blocca il gioco al 90% del caricamento di un save point).

Ecco le patch notes complete (in lingua inglese):

RDR2 Story Mode General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One

  • Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck at 90% when loading an autosave made immediately after the mission ‘Country Pursuits’, if it was the only open mission
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on loading screen when trying to restart game after completing the mission ‘County Pursuits’
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck at 90% when loading a save in Chapter 2, if they had set up camp near Horseshoe Overlook after completing ‘The First Shall Be Last’
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck at 90% when loading after loading an autosave or manual save
  • Fixed an issue where players could lose access to all weapons and equipment in their weapon wheel after completing a mission replay in Guarma

Red Dead Online Beta General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One

  • General stability improvements
  • Fixed the issue where players removing an injured horse from the stables without healing it would result in the Scrawny Nag appearing when whistling for their horse
  • Fixed an issue where players could not exit the house in the Mission ‘Love and Honor’
  • Fixed an issue where players would be unable to load beyond 90% in the Red Dead Online beta unless they entered Story mode first
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck at a black screen after a Posse leader quit the lobby in the mission ‘Love and Honor’
  • Fixed an issue where players could crash to the Xbox Home screen when resuming from a suspended state after connecting to Xbox Live services
  • Fixed an issue where players could be kicked from Rockstar game services with error 0x99395004 after completing part 2 of the mission ‘Honor Among Horse Thieves’

Avete già letto anche le motivazioni per cui RDR2 non uscirà su Nintendo Switch?

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Fonte: DualShockers

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