I nuovi Deals With Gold sono ora disponibili per Xbox 360 e Xbox One, e riguardano come di consueto un numero ragguardevole di titoli digitali.Tra questi, nella settimana corrente e fino al prossimo 7 dicembre, troviamo L.A. Noire, Bioshock: The Collection, The Town of Light e Vampyr.
Potete acquistare i giochi direttamente dal sito ufficiale che potete raggiungere seguendo questo link.
Ecco l’elenco completo delle offerte:
Xbox One
Beyond Eyes* Xbox One Game 75% DWGBioShock: The Collection* Xbox One Game 75% DWGBridge Constructor Portal* Xbox One Game 33% DWGBridge Constructor Stunts* Xbox One Game 70% DWGBridge Constructor* Xbox One Game 70% DWGCandle: The Power of the Flame* Xbox One Game 40% DWGCarnival Games* Xbox One Game 25% DWGEarthfall Deluxe* Xbox One Game 40% DWGEarthfall* Xbox One Game 40% DWGElea – Episode 1* Xbox One X Enhanced 25% DWGHero Defense* Xbox One Game 33% DWGL.A. Noire* Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWGThe Town of Light* Xbox One Game 60% DWGVampyr* Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWGWarhammer 40,000 : Inquisitor – Martyr | Deluxe Edition* Xbox One Game 20% DWGWarhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr | Imperium edition* Xbox One Game 20% DWGWarhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr* Xbox One X Enhanced 20% DWG
Offerte valide anche per gli utenti SilverCastleStorm – Definitive Edition Xbox One Game 75% SpotlightCoffin Dodgers Xbox One Game 60% SpotlightDefunct Xbox Play Anywhere 75% SpotlightFlockers Xbox One Game 75% SpotlightGekido Kintaro’s Revenge Xbox One Game 50% SpotlightInfinity Runner Xbox One Game 70% SpotlightPinball FX3 – Jurassic World Pinball Xbox Play Anywhere 50% SpotlightPinball FX3 – Marvel Pinball: Cinematic Pack Xbox Play Anywhere 60% Spotlight
Xbox 360
Conan* Games On Demand 85% DWGElements of Destruction* Arcade 85% DWGL.A. Noire* Games On Demand 70% DWGLegend of Kay Anniversary* Games On Demand 85% DWGMars: War Logs* Backward Compatible 80% DWGSniper Ghost Warrior 2 – Gold* Add-On 70% DWGSniper Ghost Warrior 2 – Siberian Strike* Add-On 70% DWGSniper Ghost Warrior – Second Strike* Add-On 60% DWGSniper: Ghost Warrior – Map Pack* Add-On 70% DWG
Continuate a seguirci per tutte le ultime novità.
Fonte: Major Nelson