I nuovi Deals With Gold sono ora disponibili per Xbox 360 e Xbox One, e riguardano come di consueto un numero ragguardevole di titoli digitali.Tra questi, nella settimana corrente e fino al prossimo 20 novembre, troviamo Valiant Hearts: The Great War, I am Bread, DUCATI – 90th Anniversary e Outcast – Second Contact.
Potete acquistare i giochi direttamente dal sito ufficiale che potete raggiungere seguendo questo link.
Ecco l’elenco completo delle offerte:
Xbox One
AereA* Xbox One Game 75% DWGDead Age* Xbox One Game 33% DWGDigerati Card Game Bundle Vol.1* Xbox One Game 67% DWGDUCATI – 90th Anniversary* Xbox One Game 75% DWGFearful Symmetry & the Cursed Prince* Xbox Play Anywhere 70% DWGFernz Gate* Xbox Play Anywhere 30% DWGFibbage: The Hilarious Bluffing Party Game* Xbox One Game 45% DWGI am Bread* Xbox One Game 75% DWGIn Between* Xbox One Game 70% DWGOutcast – Second Contact* Xbox One Game 60% DWGReal Farm* Xbox One X Enhanced 75% DWGSHINY* Xbox One Game 60% DWGTT Isle of Man* Xbox One X Enhanced 40% DWGUnbox: Newbie’s Adventure* Xbox One Game 70% DWGValiant Hearts: The Great War* Xbox One Game 70% DWGWuppo* Xbox One Game 70% DWG
Offerte valide anche per gli utenti SilverAqua Moto Racing Utopia Xbox One Game 50% SpotlightDead Ahead: Zombie Warfare – Circus Pack Add-On 30% SpotlightDon’t Knock Twice Xbox One Game 40% SpotlightOverruled! Xbox One Game 75% SpotlightSoul Axiom Xbox One Game 70% SpotlightTime Carnage Xbox One Game 35% Spotlight
Xbox 360
Hydrophobia* Arcade 50% DWGPainkiller Hell & Damnation* Games On Demand 85% DWGSonic & SEGA Racing – Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone* Add-On 50% DWGSonic & SEGA Racing – Unlock All Characters & Tracks* Add-On 75% DWGSonic & SEGA Racing* Games On Demand 50% DWGStacking* Arcade 85% DWGStuntman: Ignition* Games On Demand 85% DWGZeno Clash Ultimate Edition* Arcade 75% DWG
Continuate a seguirci per tutte le ultime novità.
Fonte: Major Nelson